
Takes a lot of courage for a citizen to stand up against the system like that. I applaud them for helping expose the coverup.

I would have preferred he played Rex, the son of John Stewart and Hawkgirl.

Even though nobody gives a fuck.

Just frustration, insecurity, and rage in a vessel that is chock fucking full of pent-up jizz.

Naw, they’ll use this one:

I cannot imagine the amount of mental and emotional energy these the Smiths have given to rework this external narrative.

Oh for sure. Assembly line workers are truly the luckiest people on earth.

Nice solidarity! Youre a gem.

Sounds like you’re saying that you can’t afford to do anything except what you’re currently doing, which is unfortunately something a lot of Americans are stuck with. But you then turn around and act offended at the notion that other workers might rise up against that kind of helplessness, and that’s precisely the

They came for the dog fighting, and I didn’t speak up.

Your usage of ‘quitter’ tells us everything. How dare someone think of his health! Unless one dies on the field, he becomes a quitter?

Andrew Luck is not an entertainment product. He’s a person, a person who used to participate in an industry of entertainment. They were booing the person for the choice he is making to leave that industry.

Oh god. That’s exactly what it is. Yikes.

Seems shortsighted to me. What’s he going to do without football? Other than his family, tens of millions of dollars, a Stanford education, and relative youth, football was all he had going for him.

That was the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been watching a trailer lol O_o

Because it kind of works against modern business practices, the drafting quoted is antiquated at best. Diversity is of particular value in tech, if you don’t let that be expressed you don’t get the value.

Seriously. I thought I hated beer for years because it was either grain water or overhopped brews designed to be drunk by assholes who wanted to show off the size of their beer penis. Then I discovered beers that were actually flavorful and balanced, and suddenly it all made a lot more sense.

“Jesus “Not want to go through the work of learning to like bear or wine.” What a condescending prick like thing to say.”

I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.

I totally agree.