
Where did they say it portrayed capitalism negatively?  If anything it seems like a pro capitalism game.  Now Sim City. That is an anti free market game.

From what I have read it sounds like they were only given they were only given to consider the charges the one cop was charged on. Nothing higher was given and the juror specifically objected to the claim the jury agreed the other cops did nothing wrong.

Yeah but he is still a Republican asshole spouse abusing space cop.

Hawkman is also like one the like half dozen Republican minstream super heroes out there. It’s just him, Lincoln Project Hal Jordan, Captain ”i may be made of energy now but I’m still white”Atom, the shitty 2nd Captain America everyone hated, Likely Q anon fan the question and Wonder Woman for some reason.

As long as White dudes from California and New York are your main programmers. Developers provide the initial test data, like even when you use a photobank or something for the seeding they are going to judge the final results based around whoever they can pull from their vicinity. Which happens to be white people. We

Exactly! It’s easy to restrict records based not only on role, but also department, and also to LOG access to those records and have the database set up to flag and email IT on likely violations. I could see his information being violated once, but so many times and nobody knew?

It sort of is though. For example you could log whoever accesses files. So you have a record of exactly whose medical files are being accessed and why.

Also why the fuck are you wasting someones time with that. It’s like a whole ass racist short story. At least most people have the decency to just lead off with a racist slur so you know to ignore everything else they say.

Not having sex and or masturbating. That sounds like a joke... but it’s true.

I used to live in Las Vegas. I would say they are probably worse then most. I once saw them literally try and murder a guy. Like 4 cop cars pulled up to my store and pulled their guns on this guy for no reason. He had a gun because nevada is an open carry state.  He puts up his hands and they keep ordering him to draw

Yes and No. Android allows 3rd party apps. Google requires apps to go through the play store. Apple SHOULD lose their lawsuit and Samsung SHOULD win. Although Epic will loose both because judges generally don’t really understand technology to make good enforcement decisions.  Which is why tech cases are much harder to

I mean basically people who wear parody hats care more about upsetting Trump supporters then they so making people of color feel safe.

I used to hear constant complaints about the VA near Fort Ellis now I’m wondering if it’s all because of the  racism because all the Vets I knew were black.  I know they faced all kinds of hoops to get the treatments they needed.  One case a guys surgery got messed up.

Assuming they fire whoever came up with that logo. It seems pretty obvious they DID Google theFolklore and ripped off the design.

I am sure he will get a nice memorial moment from Fox news... with Ben Carson’s picture.

Which is why they force you to take them in the first place. So many people know fuck all about a lot of this stuff and it’s things that make you into a better well rounded person, which is useful if you are getting a degree in something that gives you more influence.

Or had a land lady harass you for some stupid shit. What pushed me over the edge to buy a house was that my last land lady was like if you had a disapproving mother in law who was also a slum lord. Like you can either not fix shit or complain, not both.  Lady flew in 3 states over to do a home inspection like every 3

I would also argue she hasn't suffered enough.  She very well could have got him killed.  She didn't but it was the same intent that leads to a lot of these deaths.  Sure the penalty she will pay for this might not compare, but she still deserves it.  

Where are they going to move the trial? The Moon? This is a NATIONAL CASE everyone is paying attention to you can’t move it and claim it is for any reason but trying to get these cops off.

Right?  This is a case of "Thing everyone already knew but let's pretend to be scandalized".