
So how Alexa and all speech recognition works is through deep learning. How that works is that you save all the queries and track all of the right results and all of the failures and it slowly learns words and context better.

So my question is... why do they get to charge or throttle emergency services at all?

Counter point. Emergency services should NEVER be throttled. Problem solved.  Just don’t EVER throttle them.

So. I hate the “It was acceptable then” argument.

I mean i get it, but Bernie’s only real current competition is Joe Biden of the not being forgiven by Anita Hill fame.

Yeah. Plus, it isn’t like the Royal Family would be homeless without the government. They are plenty rich on their own. Outright owning most of the land they have.

Yeah... and it does that because your Iphone is keeping your GPS location stored in a database. Not just currently but everywhere every time you have your phone.

“Yeah, but they don’t also have a mic in your house.

We were not told that Amazon employees can look up our devices location and what commands we feed it, or how many.

60% of that Amazon already has though.

Exactly!  Shitty pointless grinding has been around since like at least DA.  

That is just mortal Kombat.  All the extra unlockables were huge grinds in previous games that had them... And back then it was just for dumb concept art mostly.

right?  That was my first thought.

Because you don't pay enough to keep it maintained without further revenue.

I mean, if it’s a fast food place i’m getting a 4-6 piece nuggets.  Or Onion rings.  But only if they do them good.  I HATE onion rings where you end up pulling them out of the onion.

For me #1 is the Burger King Rodeo Burger.

Another option. Whenever the curry isn’t hot enough ask for the hot sauces. Indian places generally have 3-4 sauces you can top on top of your curry to make it spicier.

100K seems cheap for a career. Let alone all the racism.

Well i’m glad this is the first comment.  Would have said something similar.  It’s probably good he’s there and can get the support he needs rather then be alone in some apartment somewhere.

What are the chances that this could lead to a lawsuit that screws up the WWE’s “Independent contractor” claim.