
Makes sense. My Great Grandma owned a bunch of land in a poorer area that at the time wasn’t worth much. She made some lawyer executive of her will and said that all 5 of her grand children should get an equal amount of her land.

I actually am usually in favor of product placement. I find it distracting when someone goes into a bar and orders “one beer” or people go to stores and restaurants that are clearly knockoff versions of existing ones.

It would be neat if his many many legal maneuvers to avoid this video coming out stopped the practice of cops pretending to be saving trafficking victims only in reality to say 2 months later there was no trafficking and in fact all those victims they were saving were actually going to be charged with crimes and maybe

Nah. It just means pollsters know how to phrase a question. When you ask someone if they are satisfied with the care... they are thinking treatment wise. Not cost.

Do they have something that will prevent trucks from blinding the crap out of me with their eye level headlights reflecting in all my mirrors?

I used to play my dad in chess starting around... 2nd/3rd grade?

When I was young my dad would play chess with me. I would take an early lead and then start losing on purpose because i had seen many tv sitcoms where dad’s would have huge identity crisis if their sons beat them at something.

Man this Notre Dame shit really hit home just how pessimistic my world view has become.  I didn’t even really care this historic place was being destroyed because it just pissed me off how much other people cared who don’t give a shit about real people and real problems.

A more fun consideration? Take what an average person makes in a year and see what percentage of that they spend on housing.

While true, this misses out on two big things

I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or just haven’t seen a single study on minimum wage conducted in the last 20+ years.

I know people who worked professional jobs at amazon paying far more then $15 an hour who quit without another job lined up because of how toxic they are as a company.

Holy shit Stomp and Shop still exists? They all got driven out of my hometown a long time ago.

So... is Toy Story 4 about adultery?

I’ve never had a Soggy chick-fil-a sandwich. There isn’t even anything on it to make it soggy.

right? One time at a convenience store i worked at the cops rolled up on a guy who was open carrying. (Legal where i worked). Now they were looking for another guy who had been outside the store like an hour earlier. A guy like 10 shades lighter who DIDN’T have dreadlocks and had very short cut hair... but i digress.

Except the “never Hilary” vote who broke away were largely conservative Democrats.

“Get bodied dad”  Is what i imagine him saying when nobody is looking.

They are the epitome of an anime villian.  You actually got ahead without us trying?  Now I'll use 1 percent of my true power and have Klau Thompson score 5 times in a row!  Not good enough?  Well Steph will try now?  No... I guess we have to play as a team.  Lame.

Doesn’t he know Republicans only claim to like Lincoln to piss off democrats?