
Hot take alert.

Yeah. You gotta go 2 tacos I’d think. I’m not sure i remember the size of Chipotle Tacos. I never got them cause they always felt like a ripoff. Less food for the same price.

I don’t think it’s a matter of the programming, ANYTHING like this will be racist no matter who programs it so long as the underlying foundation is racist.

I don’t know. It feels like they STILL had that afterwards too. Hell they should have lost game 1 vs the Cavs outside some shitty calls when generally the Cavs were the one team they used to refuse to sleep against because of their huge embarrassment.

Because with 4 of the best 15-20 players in the league what was really holding the warriors back was a mediocre old guy with a league average VORP.

Plus. Let’s be honest. This is about fans having something to boo the enemy over. If Hader were on the giants they would cheer him heavily.

Yeah... those cars look so depressing.

Teah generally that was the part everyone laughed at. At first it was just a “Oh shit! He is getting his ass kicked. Followed by light chuckling, but then when she came back in and threw the can people would burst out laughing, cause she threw that thing hard. She had a hell of an arm.

It is because Bernie knows in the abstract white people LOVE welfare. More so then most people. When they turn on it is when they imagine black and brown faces benefiting from it.

I want to say I’m boycott in because of Kap but truth is I stopped watching a year or two before.

Isn’t Cassandra Cain Asian?  Aqualad would be pretty great though.  He pretty much made that Young Justice cartoon.

I mean, I don’t think she’s any worse than any other woman who’s willing to marry some horrible rich putz so she can live a life of wealth.

Yeah, i bet they already have a cash agreement set up.

Couldn't you just do that after you slam that bean burrito though?

I’m about as anti-employer as anybody, but honestly this sounds fair.  Who is getting very far on a 30 minute lunch break anyway?

Shaq has more lifelong dreams than Homer Simpson.

Ooooh... to Play.

I don’t have time to find it today, but I saw a research report before that showed that most white republicans are in favor of most welfare policies that the left want to get passed.


Here is the thing about Magneto. Sure he wanted to create a new world order in which humans were second class citizens.