
Hah, one time at a job I worked at an Iraqi co-worker who would get physical with customers he wanted to leave. Always black customers. Somehow, amazingly their ID’s were always the ones that didn’t look right to him. He was cool with the black regulars and everyone else, super overly polite even, but anyone new who

I mean when you look at his stated policies (and not his actions) Trump basically ran as racist socialist.

Yeah it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Spend billions getting out the vote in white Middle Class neighborhoods that are going to like 55% vote for you. Don’t even spend a few thousand to get resources to the multitude of FREE volunteers who literally get told to go away and there is nothing for them to do.

Just about any other election for sure. This Trump administration though man. Next level shit show.  

Hey now... isn’t appealing to moderates how Donald Trump beat super ultra leftwing candidate Hilary Clinton?

The voting rights act preclearance requirement should just be re-written so EVERY state requires preclearance.

I’m just waiting for their new auto guidelines to REQUIRE cars to pollute at least a specific amount.

More then once i’ve got myself nachos that were just Nacho cheese and jalapenos.

Are we sure he isn’t going to sign with the Lakers?

When I was unemployed i ended up making $25+ a month taking surveys on swag bucks.

Man I remember when Sears great idea to solve it’s debt problem was to sell the parts of the store that were doing great.

Is it bad that my first thought is “Well at least he will go to jail because he shot and killed a white person”?

I’m confused why this is a nightmare for automakers.


Ask, then if they say it’s not free offer to pay for the water.

I think part of it is likely due to the super derivative nature of video games. Take first person shooters for example, Doom came out, then a bunch of Doom clones came out, then someone limited the amount of guns you could have, then EVERYONE did, than someone came up with regenerating health instead of health packs,

The President of the United States of America tweets in all caps.

Like, did he forget bookstores are(were?) a thing already? Places you could get books and coffee and they somehow didn’t drive libraries out of business.

Eh, nothing stopping a cab driver from doing that too right?

Wait. There is someone named Montana Skeptic?