
So that's how he "loosed" his car? Nice

You sure you don't want a Beta Romeo?

Holy sh!t this article was stupid. Like really dumb. Is this the tone here at Jalopnik now? Might as well just go around shouting “freedum!!!” at people, it would sound just as reasonable. 

Who told me to hate it??? Lol. My eyes hate it. It’s a turd. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings and that you like it. It’s not a Mustang, it’s a sh!tbox econo hatchback Pinto with Mustang badges. Told to hate it? Gtfo with that nonsense.

A very very odd thing to say. People didn’t like it because they associated it with the era? But there are plenty of cars from that era that people love. I can’t imagine another car being as hated because it’s a terrible and hideous car than this one. Unless you’re living in bizzaro world. I’m 100% certain no one

I’m pretty sure there’s nothing to fear, they are most certainly all very dead. Very tragic. 

True, but an accident in a car usually ends up with minor or no injuries, or non life threatening injuries, but an accident in an airplane usually entails a much worse outcome for a lot of people. 

It’s a great story. But are you saying people believe in UFO’s only because they want to? I’m sure many or most do. But that has no real bearing on whether or not there is a real phenomenon going on. By real, I mean the possibility that UFOs are not imagined or man made. After all, the military is not pranking itself. 

How on earth is DeJoy still in charge??? That guy should’ve gotten the axe very soon after Biden was elected. What a joke. 

Hahaha, it’s sad that you have to dumb it down this much but they still don’t understand.

No one’s living in fear. Though it seems you guys are afraid of a little fabric and small pricks. 

They enjoyed restoring it so much that they decided they’d go for another 18 years. 

None of those cars were really that embarrassing frankly. Some may be slightly questionable, like the Versa and Eos. But none really fit with something really bad that was manufactured. I’m willing to bet that most people would think of most of those cars as perfectly fine and not objectionable. Now if someone had

But there is also all the cargo, presumably worth a great deal as well, and it doesn’t need to be jettisoned or lost given that it’s intact and awaiting delivery. In all fairness, we don’t know how many millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in value are found in those containers. Also imagine all the lost

No way. The Rock has the career Vin Diesel thought he would have and wants so badly, but will never achieve. That’s why he’s doubled down on the FF franchise, it’s all he has. I think he feels very threatened by the current most successful Hollywood actor who is an analog of him (or rather of whom he is a “cheaper

I totally buy this explanation. Seems most plausible. 

Yeah, I was also thinking exactly that.

Admittedly my mood is pretty foul right now, for many reasons including the obvious. But God damn, I’m so tired of hearing of these stupid f***ing gender reveal parties. I don’t mean that I’m upset you’re reporting on it, I’m decidedly annoyed with people who go through elaborate schemes to reveal their baby’s

Boy, was that NA spec car ever butchered! Those taillights dropped down below the glass panel, with the US bumper dropped in below that. So freaking bad. I wouldn’t want a US version just for that reason.

The problem is your comment was a bit callous given how many people died or were injured. The suggestion it could have been insurance fraud and was intentional can easily be interpreted as a form of victim blaming. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, but that’s how it likely feels to a lot of people here, hence