
These folks and their political allies are actively hostile to this understanding of the public square so long as it works against them. Unfortunately, this is also one of the main strategic planks of the modern GOP.

Oh great. Discharge standards under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) of the Clean Water Act traditionally used Acute Toxicity Testing. Other methods for toxicity and risk assessment are in development.

Well if he lived in the dorm, he wouldn’t be homeless. 

Don’t know where to begin with the many dumb assumptions you’re making here.

So true! If only there were some safe place away from the “wide open world” where we could send 18 year olds in order to prepare them for it.

I live walking distance from the mural. And say the video an hour after she didn’t. I won’t lie y’all. I was surprised by how hurt I felt. Obviously I don’t know Nipsey, but I took that shit real personal. So I immediately found the bitch on Facebook last night. According to some folks that know her, she lives around

Lovely. A victim blaming rant, probably from some incel sockpuppet.

We’ve already weeded these people out by sending them to Sarah Lawrence. 


My dad and I saw 5 in one sitting. They were coming over the ocean, hovered in particular spots, then shot up so quickly. No noise. It was incredible, even if it was military aircraft. I was dating an astronomer at the time who needed military air logs and he said nothing was scheduled for that time. I want to believe.

I served in the Navy from 96-00 on board a destroyer based in San Diego and did a couple West PAC tours to the persian gulf. I was a lowly PN3 and had to stand watch like most of the crew. While we were in transit to the gulf, I think after Malaysia, I was standing watch on the starboard side of the bridge with our

Cool, cool. That’s cool. Everything is fine here. 

Bombs also went off at luxury hotels, and several police died, so it’s almost certainly not accurate to say “at least 207 Christians were killed.”

You sayin’ it don’t work?

I dislike facebook with the passion of a billion burning suns. I want nothing more than to see the company disassembled and brought down. That said, you obviously don’t understand what facebook is: Its profit model was always to sell user data collected from uninformed users and to allow paying third parties to use

High Schooler: What are income taxes? What is credit and how does it work? How much should I budget for housing and a vehicle? How do student loans work?

I would love to teach a class at every grade called “how not to be a sucker”. I think it would be good for America. I am not going to trot out the old “if you aren’t paying for it, you’re the product”...but I am going to trot out the “why the fuck would you ever have faith in Mark Zuckerberg”? EVERY. SINGLE. LARGE COMP

Man, World War III is really going to suck. 

Don’t forget the other secret: Always be high.

Nobody needs it, and it’s incredibly expensive.