
Space Force!

Don’t even kid about that. It’s not out of the realm of possibility.

*shareholder value

maybe we can save the arctic with microtransactions

Texas shuns EPA and safety regulations. At the state level, they resist the kinds of regulations that keep chemical plants safer. At the federal level, there’s a fat orange turd that despises the EPA sitting in the White House and he does whatever he can to hamstring their budget.

It’s nice to see Dark Knight’s Batcycle getting work.

With a printed book, anyone who knows how to read can read it, how do you read this glass data when the end of the world comes and we are back to fighting with pointed sticks

Private equity vultures.

Private Equity herbs is a massive threat. People who do not care about the people, product or service, but just see numbers and power.

Millions of Americans without access to clean running water at home should probably be a slightly bigger priority.

I was radicalized by punk rock and Deadspin.

Drew has gone as of this AM. Billy, too I believe. So that leaves what, Roth and Dom? Can’t see either of them sticking around. The big news in social media (just to get back on topic as that is VERY important) is that Twitter is full of outpourings of sorrow, affection and support for the Deadspin folk. Also some

Petchesky was just canned, unbelievable.

As someone who was once part of a similar insurrection against arrogant, incompetent, and condescending management, I want to applaud all of y’all for today’s showing. I’m sure you’re simultaneously enjoying the fun of mutiny while also understanding the risk. Please also know how much it means to us here in the feebl

“I want ads that speak to me and my needs.”

They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”

Agreed, but also I fully expect the first quantum supercomputer to be primarily focused on determining which flavor of Brawndo I prefer and which medium of delivery will achieve maximum user engagement.

I do like the idea of Google executives developing an AI that is capable of replacing every corporate executive, both at Google and elsewhere. I mean I can see this being a huge step toward a capitalist extinction event, but for a moment I’ll get to laugh at those bogie fucks, and that’s basically the only joy anyone

Don’t worry about techno-enslavement. It won’t be worth it economically. Billions of us are simply going to be shut out and left behind like proels.

Google/Alphabet’s good friends in Beijing are very interested in this, I’m sure.