
It’s actually more like $5.38/bomber. There are about 122 million Americans paying federal income tax. You can’t use the full population of a country to calculate each ones share - many of them don’t pay taxes because they’re too young, too old, or too poor. The person you were replying to is still backing the better

Jesus Christ, do you really think this is all the issue boils down to? And if you want to amortize costs, do you have any concept how much $2 per capita would buy if we spent the money on something useful, like education, infrastructure, or medical care?

Yeah, that’s definitely not how this works.

If I see a red fucking hat, it’s open season on the motherfucker wearing it.

B-u-t wait; there’s more!😔

This is a great write up and very much appreciated it. I cannot believe that there are people out there who are triggered by learning how to help others.  Keep this up.  Thank you! 

The F-35 is a scam on a GLOBAL scale. BAE Systems orchestrated the sale and subsequent mothballing of the UK Harrier fleet to the USA for pennies on the dollar. Essentially to force the UK to buy F-35s. At the same time the UK started building an Aircraft Carrier that was essentially only usable by helicopters

citation needed

I hope people who know how are filing FOA requests for the Race Paper. Since they’ve admitted it was all 100% bullshit they can’t rightly claim it contains classified info, and I’d love to see what nonsense the Fed is talking about black people in 2017. 

Not that this is related, but $150 is too much for what looks like a gimmicky little toy. Maybe the games will be amazing and I’ll be proven wrong, but ehhhhhhhhhhh.

Yeah, like the ones I saw at night with my buddies in the 70's.

These aren’t mutually exclusive, you judgmental ass. And i was trying to generate a bit of dark humor, but since that was obviously lost on you, let’s examine, shall we?

Bye bye Miss American Pie drove my Ford to the Fjord but the Fjord was dry.

Community college is for poors, don't ya know?

If she was really interested in her education, she could find a good community college, do well there and transfer to a university after a couple of years. I’m guessing that won’t happen.

And that bringing your own vehicle is just bad resource utilization, much better with one specialized going between certain optimal nexuses.

Developments seem to occur every 6 months. That will open the door to the realization that chaining multiple passenger units to a single motorized unit is even more efficient.

How long before they decide that pavement is liable to potholing and rutting, and invent some sort of extruded steel sections for the vehicles to run on, to ensure the vehicles have a smoother, longer-lasting track to travel on?

I went to an outdoor concert once in extreme summer heat, and I got dosed, presumably by one of the several people “helpfully” spraying water on fellow concertgoers to cool us down.

The machine apparently works fine now, though CSUEB music students can’t get high off it anymore.