
My wife and I (and a bunch of friends) love the game and play it often. The expansions add a lot of elements (such as PVP elements to pirate each other) that make it even more engaging. There are multiple "Story" cards which outline how to go about winning, so the games can always be changing up. The most recent

My wife and I (and a bunch of friends) love the game and play it often. The expansions add a lot of elements (such

My wife has had a Copper IUD for about 5 years now. I have not had a vasectomy because we do plan on having children once her IUD is removed.

How can you be sad at an orgy?!

Next, scientists will discover how to graft a live horse head onto a dead horse body so that we can bring it back to life and continue beating it.

Actually, HPV is an STI so most of the outrage is about turning our girls slutty as opposed to autistic.

I briefly respected Christie after super-storm Sandy when he actually put politics down and worked with the federal government (and Obama) to help his constituents.

Except for when 59 < 41.

God didn't create sex for that purpose.

I'm confused. You're saying that you don't personally like the game, but you're not telling everyone how much it sucks and that they should never play it and that you hope the devs burn in hell?

I don't get why I keep seeing the "Miles Moralis is not part of the main Marvel universe, so they'll just stick with Peter" argument. They quite obviously already used the Ultimate version of Nick Fury, so why not Spiderman?

"Now that I have the HPV vaccine, I'm going to have all the unprotected sex I can handle" said no one ever.

My wife says that same "taking my time to enjoy the food" line. What makes women think that just because we eat faster that we enjoy it less?

Not attacking you back, but baseball analogies hold little meaning when compared to studies devoted to this topic.

The failure rate IS 2%. That comes with the caveat of "when used perfectly" and when your cycles are regular and predictable. Both can be difficult to achieve, hence why actual failure rates are higher.

My wife has an IUD and while it has been a wonderful option for us, it did make her periods last significantly longer with heavier flows and cramping. Prior to the IUD, she was very lucky that her periods were quite short and light.

I think you are all not understanding the Republican intent of this.

suggests guests make a $40 to $80 donation. It's not required, according to Esopenko, and nobody is barred from attending for not donating

I thought the game was a ton of fun... while actually playing it. My biggest issue with the alpha event was that it took forever to get into a game with all the menus, matchmaking, map loading, class selection, ready screen, video about your class, and then FINALLY starting the game

If the Human Torch can also be Captain America, then I don't see a problem with this.