
The funniest part (to me) about Jeb’s answer is that he’s the only candidate that could have said “My Mom” and not been completely wrong.

Guaranteed miss.

Guaranteed miss.

Best experience at a video game store: I went into Gamestop, asked the girl behind the counter for a copy of Dark Souls 2 (on release day). I paid for it. She handed it to me and thanked me for the purchase. I left.

Nexplanon is not an IUD, it is an implant for your arm.

When my wife and I got engaged and she had her ring, she told me of a “fun” encounter she had at a happy hour with friends. A guy started hitting on her and when she flashed the ring and told him that she was engaged, his response was, “Well, how do you REALLY know that you want to marry him unless you fuck me?”

I’ve been repeatedly told that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and that guns “are too safe to go off by accident”. Because of this, I have to assume that this guest intentionally fired his gun and injured people at a wedding.

Changing a cultural problem is an extremely slow process that is helped along by “stopgap” measures. Each little thing we do to try to address the issue shows the rest of society that we don’t feel these behaviors are acceptable. Legislation is one way to influence that cultural change. Little pieces of legislation

You know what you don’t ever see flying over German statehouses? Swastikas.

I’m as pro-choice as they come and I do not see this as a bad thing. Why? Because you need opposing appeals court decisions in order to get the Supreme Court to take these cases up and settle shit once and for all.

If you’be never been in a relationship with someone you sincerely love and want to want to have sex with but due to, what can best be attributed to, a chemical imbalance can’t, then no, you wouldn’t understand.

It is quite Dark Soulsy, IMO (which I love). The main difference, as another poster pointed out, is the research aspect. Going into a fight knowing what will be effective is pretty key. One early quest fight (no spoilers) involves a ghost that you can’t hit under normal circumstances, but if you do the research and


Can’t help but notice that Teddy’s response on infidelity conveniently focuses on only one gender’s fidelity.

I'm sure it would work fine for that situation, but I'm concerned about hordes. Any weapon can do perfectly fine against 1 or 2, but if you get ganged up on, I know I'd want a better weapon.

A halberd would be very inefficient at zombie killing than most weapons except for in a few specific situations. Spears in general are not good when trying to fend off/escape a horde because the use requires two motions, stab and pull back, while blades just require the swing. The axe portion is equally difficult to

Because everyone except for me is an awful parent who can't raise their kids right!

This has me thinking back now, so here's one of my favorite stories.

Am I the only one who sees some of these "Highlights" and goes "Great... another video of a bug someone found in a beta/glitchy game... wonderful..."?

If you're a fan of strategic board games, it's pretty solid. If you're also a fan of the show, it's incredible. It's a fairly popular one among my friends and with the expansions there's enough variety to it to keep it fresh for a while.

If you're a fan of strategic board games, it's pretty solid. If you're also a fan of the show, it's incredible. It's