They were given warning about this happening if they’d care to read patch notes and update to-do lists.
...and Exploding Kittens - which really lives up to its Kickstarter hype imo
Of course. Just like how making a fruit smoothie means you are essentially doing chemistry.
Statistics show that all police officers, both black and white, are more likely to use excessive force against a black suspect than they are against a white suspect, for the same crime and situation. So it’s not a White Cop - black person thing but just any cop - black person thing. So it still is a racial issue and…
Sorry guy, that article is wrong. The answer to the “When should you pre-order” question is:
Sorry guy, that article is wrong. The answer to the “When should you pre-order” question is:
Since Morrowind, in the Jurassic period, People have been modding for fun or to add things they themselves wanted in the game. Even I did it for Oblivion, Just.For.Fun.
When I was fifteen I was pretty unfashionable - well I dressed like a forty year old. Seriously, shopped at the same store as my conservative looking mother. Anyway, it’s tropical where we live, and hot as fuck. One day I go to school in my favourite outfit -high waisted, shin length floral skirt (puffy-outty, not…
I’m not sure it ever says that, but it uses Xbox controller buttons and there’s an XBOX logo watermarked on the bottom right corner, so it’s pretty heavily implied.
I suggest you read the article again if you don’t understand why in fact the only professional thing to do in this situation is to recuse yourself from coverage of the title due to fears of perceived bias.
And since some willfully ignorant dipshit is bound to yell that they don't believe you (because they don't want to) here's a source they can deliberately not read:
Contrary to popular belief, you definitely don’t want HR involved in the first case. HR exists to protect the company, not the employees; bringing this issue to them will put a black mark on all your dealings with the company. That’s how you get passed over for promotions (or even fired); as unfair as it is, your boss…
Seriously, the "all politicians are the same" line pisses me off so much. You only need to be paying the slightest bit of attention to see that the worst bullshit by far is always done by the GOP.
Ugh, go away.
Exactly. Money has greater value to society at large when it's moving between many points, and not stockpiled in a few.
Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.
you're only responsible until you make a mistake. And most of you will make a mistake. It may not end up this badly but you will make a mistake.
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.