
From all accounts I read about how lottery winners generally become miserable (stalked, mugged, scammed, cheated, get into massive debt, etc), I don't necessarily agree that this is a bad thing.

I can't be the only one that watched that and thought I was being trolled by a Funny or Die parody video, right?

Here's mine - Before you get married, figure out the difference between wanting to get married and wanting a wedding.

I'll stick with my usual Black Friday preparation - Planning to stay home

I'll stick with my usual Black Friday preparation - Planning to stay home

In addition to being an entertainer, Clay Aiken also started, organizes, and runs his own charity called the National Inclusion Project.

Theoretically they'd be used for the same reason as why broadswords have crossbars - it's the keep other lightsabers from sliding down your blade and just cutting your hand off. In this case it's silly though, the cross section where the main blade meets the smaller guards is not protected and would just be sliced off

I am going to record myself watching these reaction videos so that you all can watch my reaction to their reaction.

I can't be the only one who's kind of amazed at how many games are cited for using a guillotine this month. Don't really see it often.

Sorry, that's not it. This is not a trick question. There is a logical conclusion to it.

Good effort, but not correct.

So we need some kind of medical treatment that will press the biological "Enter" key when our cells crash without shutting down properly to ensure that they reboot in normal mode?

So what is the plan for determining that someone is unfit for abortion? Will the state summon people to testify about how irresponsible the girl is and how she's a huge slut? If so, how does that make her unfit for an abortion (if anything it sounds like she'd be a better candidate for one if this were the case)?

So that you don't have to take a class, the key to a successful threesome is having three people who are actually all really into the other two. It's not easy to get that, but it's important. Otherwise you really just have the focal point (the person the other two are both attracted to) having to play a big game of

Except that's NOT what he's saying. He wants it to be harder, but the game won't let him. Why does Blizzard have to hold your hand and condescendingly tell you that even though harder modes are available, you can't play them yet?

I bet the school will get in trouble too for not having hallways that are wide enough or admitting privileges to their local hospital.

Why can't highschool and college kids ever dress up like Italian gang members and wear good high priced Italian suits. No one would have a problem with that. Might even class up the joint a little.

Thanks Cowboy Bebop...

Yeah...I've found that the more you like something, the easier it is to sound like you hate it. But the reason you're capable of critiquing the thing/poke fun at it is actually because you love it tons.

Last time I went to a GameStop was to pick up a copy of Dark Souls II. I generally avoid GS like the plague because I hate the barrage of pre-order sales pressure whenever I go. I felt bad for the girl behind the counter because she actually seemed relieved that I just came in, asked for a game, paid what I owed, and