
okay because it’s the least someone can say for this dude: he’s been in the hot zone for a long time.

Dear Penthouse Forum;

First they came for the violent agitators but I said nothing because I was not a violent agitator.

You just know he’s going to try to post from his family member’s accounts sometime tomorrow and get them banned as well. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

I mean, nobody’s in charge. That’s kind of the point. People are going to criticize someone who says something they don’t like. You’re free to disagree with them. You’re worried about people deciding what’s unacceptable,  yet here you are deciding what’s unacceptable for other people to say. And yeah, comparing the

Yeah, man - as a Sedaris fan I’m really surprised by this “piece”. ESPECIALLY when the term “you’re fired” is synonymous with the one of the most horrific entities ever to walk the earth (and be allowed to govern).

I’m always baffled by these comments that seem to feel it’s somehow wrong for a pop culture website to have an article about a pop culture figure saying something controversial

As opposed to you who only coincidentally happens to show up in every single thread that may be tangentially related to Snyder in order to shit on him and his fanboys, as you meticulously comb through everyone’s comment histories looking for dirty laundry you can call them out on.

You’re right though, it’s the Snyder

Calling Ray Fisher “crazy” may be accepted in the AV Club bubble, but the optics on saying that about a black man talking about abuse in the wider public space (or even right next door at Jezebel or The Root) might not be good.

The real person the movie is based on never had an affair with a woman, nor expressed interest in doing so.

I’m curious about “clearly” wasn’t a lesbian.

This. Between the rejection of Trump and the great results from the Queensland election, I’m really hopeful that those sunburned morons won’t fuck us at the next federal election. And that Palmer will die of COVID in the next year. Fuck that stupid cunt.

It’s so weird that this iconic comedy institution, that drives the conversation, somehow delivered, in the most momentous occasion of the last 4 years, a long standup set not written by the show, and a few sketches, about half of which weren’t performed by cast members. Say what you like about the Hallelujah thing but

Well, if the US can get their shit together, maybe we will finally wake the fuck up and vote out the LNP next federal election?

I count my lucky stars that my entire family (at least, the small cohort of us who have Thanksgiving together) is a bunch of flaming liberal snowflakes.

Yay ish, nothing’s fixed, but it’s less bad.

Well, it looks like I’m going to be the one whose insufferable at Thanksgiving this year, Dad.

Yeah, regardless of who ends up winning, the message is loud and clear. America does not have buyers remorse even after this 4 year shit show. They want this. And the bar for what is acceptable has been lowered so far, I’m really worried about who is next after Trump. 

I’ve got two comments about this year’s Election Night.

While Pullman isn’t necessarily a performer with a huge range, contrasting his performances in Sleepless In Seattle, Independence Day, and While You Were Sleeping is a great case study in the subtle work actors can do in crafting distinct characters out of similar building blocks.