
I understand these people are loud as fuck and have probably been blowing up Gaiman’s Twitter mentions, but it’s hard to imagine the people really pissed off about this make up any significant portion of the actual Sandman fandom.  

I just hope they retain Death’s style; it’s about time Black goths got their time in the shade.

I used to agree with you, but nowadays if there’s something I love being adapted, I’m fine with the project takes creative risks and not just adapt as close as possible. Gaiman’s work has always been ‘avant-garde’, and I just hope it will continue ruffling feathers. Even if it’s bad, I’ll always have The High Cost of

Welcome to: When Reposting Twitter Drama Goes Wrong - AV Club Edition.

You know, AVC, you can’t regularly call Twitter a shitty hell website and then give in to its worst tendencies constantly.

Yeah, I’d reckon most pageants in the South and Midwest have racist as hell roots. But I’m not going to blame kids and socially-obligated young adults for participating in something that lost its racist overtones decades ago.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I’m not 100% certain it has something to do with Armie Hammer being a rapist with a cannibal fetish. But it’s very likely it has something to do with Armie Hammer being a rapist with a cannibal fetish. 

I am reminded of a story harkening back to the days when Walt Disney was still alive. Disney, though he had a closet full of Oscars for his animated shorts and live action documentaries, had never gotten a “major oscar,” his features having been passed over or, in the case of Snow White, given an honorary award in

Maybe, but if it’s going to give us Gillian and Heady as a mother/daughter assassin combo, then bring on the Wickapocalypse.

You’re not wrong, but it’s a distinct improvement over the status quo ante, which was where every action movie was trying to be a joyless Taken retread.

There’s a small part of my brain that’s reminding me that Shoot ‘em Up’s trailer looked similarly fun and yet the movie itself wore out its one joke after about 15 minutes and somehow managed to waste the talents of Paul Giamatti, Clive Owen and Monica Bellucci...

it ain’t just the neediness, friend.

Williams was also fantastically talented. Fallon is moderately talented at best.

Yea, I have difficulty picturing anyone much younger than my parents getting excited enough about a new Billy Crystal movie to intentionally seek it out.

Over 45 = old enough to get that reference, but not to lose all critical faculties, ffs.

Did you think I meant that I don’t understand the concept of the AV Club being in love with a particular entertainer? Of course I understand the concept. I just don’t get why they’re so high on Tiffany Haddish in particular. “It’s a pop culture website” doesn’t answer the question.

Do you know anyone over 45?

I still don’t get the AV Club’s love for her. I’ve seen her in a handful of things and she’s... okay? She was reasonably good as a rage-monster in Eric Andre’s Bad Trip, but it was a deliberately one-note character. We also watched the first season of her “up and coming comics” anthology series They Ready; she’s only

I am over 45 and I will not think that.