
Pretty sure we sneer at fanfic because 99.999% of fanfic is absolute shit.

I used #notallmen somewhat ironically a few weeks back, and deservedly got a ton of abuse here for doing so, so I appreciate the praise but, alas, I don’t deserve it.

You truly are a Prince among men. Your response gives me hope in a sea of #notallmen.

...demanded an Internet commentator who posts their opinions under the safety of a pseudonym.

I bet those women were organized by the same guys who went 4 decades back in time to get 2 Hawaii newspapers, a hospital and a government agency to fake up birth documents and announcements for Obama and hide where he was REALLY born!

Of course the more likely and credible explanation is that over 100 women got together to conjure up a conspiracy against Weinstein because every one of them had had regret sex with him, and it was just a coincidence that Weinstein had them all on a punitive enemies list and had hired people to make up false

Counterpoint: Let’s not ever do another Pat thing.

A man walks into a bar, and sits down. He starts a conversation with an old guy next to him. The old guy has obviously had a few. He says to the man:

She said,” It’s vital that people are held accountable for their actions, no matter who they are.”

I’m curious. At any point, was there a dim warning light going off in your skull saying, a) this is the most obvious, hackish, unfunny joke in the world, and b) accusing someone of being too ugly to harass is the fastest way to declare yourself human garbage?

It’s like ... I can almost hear millions of assholes everywhere furiously typing out the shittiest possible take on this story.

Munch’s burger and fixins’ are pretty good, but the bun is a lousy kaiser roll and they skimp on the fried potatoes.

That said, it’s better than what he deserves not quite suited his pallette. Something from Martini Burger, which serves burgers that are overcooked, dry, gimmicky but poorly thought out ideas for sides,

My take—he’ll be dead soon, and until then, a useful reminder that this is what the response to sexual assault/ harassment looked like, recently enough that an 85 yr old would still feel somewhat comfortable saying it out loud.

But - and I don’t know you, jmyoung123, so I could be wrong - I THINK that if you were president you might refrain from dinnertime shenanigans, at least in foreign countries.

He would say something like that, too ... he was at the podium in Tokyo, said some rude obnoxious thing, then said “Is that rude I don’t think so” all in one sentence.

He can just trade in the soy sauce for a younger version like he does with his wives.

I fully expect to see an AP Wirephoto with Trump holding the chopsticks above his head like antennae joking he gets “better reception”.

You have to actually know stuff about other countries for some of that; it’s asking alot.

No. The review clearly states that as time goes on they accumulate more and more people.

See: "highly sophisticated". Yes, in our world, date rape drugs will make their victims pass out or become paralyzed. (It's not as clear cut as you probably think, though. There are lots of different drugs and under many of them you would appear very drunk to an outsider).