
My worst involves landing in the wrong Middle East country during a time of hostility, staying awake for more than 3 days solid, and the spending Christmas Day snowed in at an airport. This is a long story, but a flight nightmare.

A friend of mine bought a Passat W8 when they were new, back when VW’s warranties were much shorter than now (3/36 I think)> Anyway, that car was a money whore ... a step beyond money pit. The dealership rebuilt the motor ... twice ... at something around $10k each time. I couldn’t fathom how he spent that on a

Basically, it comes down to (real, non-photoshopped) pictures, or it didn’t happen. SR-20 was a guy who used to post on here about his awesome car ... can’t remember what, exactly is was anymore, but suffice it to say that it was an exotic or car unattainable to most people ... he bragged about his exploits in said

That forum needs to instate the SR-20 rule, Stat!

Good sticker. They really are great cars ... as they should be given they (used to be) all top of the line Cadillacs and Lincolns.

I love me some hearses.

Wow. He should let Joy drive for a while. Anger has had his day.

Building those electric cars is hardly clean ... Exhibit A are the Lithium strip mines: You have to literally move mountains to get to the stuff.

SEMA matters to my brother, a lucky effer if there ever was one. He works for Discount Tire, and gets to go there every year and basically hoon the tires off of amazing vehicles himself, and then ride along with professional drifters while the same ... but faster.

Yeah, my jimmies were rustled that day ... let a nobody irk from the internet, a.k.a. the land of things that don’t matter in real life.

Doug got a Viper? Now I have to go find his new internet home and watch this until he sells it ... I want peak Viper so bad.

Ah ... because I say I’m ex-military, that infers to you that I’m an insane glory thief. And the depth of your cleverness is to dig something that you found posted elsewhere on the internet, and place it here. You chipper rapscallion, you! Good work. Keep it up! The internet will deliver a gold star to your mom’s

... whut ...

... Sigh ... You’re right, I never owned a Marauder. Ordering the car online from Carmax, shipping it from Florida to Texas, and driving it around town was just a wet dream. I just made it up to seem cool to you, but your vast intuitive skills have found me out. Good work.

I’m sure there are by now. Back then, these were rare, fairly new. and virtually unheard of cars. Surely they’re not harder to work on than a S-class or 7 series.

Hmm. Not sure what flavor of spineless asshole you are in real life, but you sure talk like a big man behind the anonymity of a computer. Somehow you equate an opinion ... about my own car .... as a personal attack against you, and then proceed to attack me at a personal level.

$10k plus was the quote from the Phaeton mechanic in NW Houston. He said that OEM was the only way to go, and that was the cost ... this was back in 2010 or so. Maybe $3k for refurbished? Or maybe electronics for that car are just cheaper now.

Exhaust note on Phaeton is a no-no. I ran mine up to 140 mph and it was eerily silent. The suspension just lowered, and the car just went.

Also illustrative of how crap the Marauder was ... I owned a 1980 Corvette at the time (my childhood dream car) that constantly ... and I mean constantly ... broke for some reason or another. I preferred driving that crappy Vette over the Marauder, even living in Houston and barely working A/C.

I’ve owned two of these cars.