
IN Houston, and just got everything up and running ... I listed my MB E350 wagon for sale right before the storm. It stayed high and dry. If other Houstonians need a nice, reliable car, contact me ... I will cut a good for those who lost their ride.

Huge, and like Dr. Evil’s seabass ... they’re ill-tempered.

Bison and cars don’t mix, period. One used my dad’s wagon to scratch himself on his side ... rocked like a stormy ship ... and crumpled the sheetmetal.

I was gonna say that the place I visited in the story above would let you, but alas, I guess they’ve found reason (or enough lawsuits and /or crybabies). No longer allow even soft doors, so I imagine that open convertible is a no go altogether ...

Thankfully, Cousin Cassowary wasn’t present at the Aussie Emu fest where I went. I’ve heard those things are aggressive

Yeah, not gonna lie ... I’m a pretty big dude, but those birds scared me. Same with their emu cousins in Australia. Something about the huge, unblinking, soulless eye disturbs me.

Not necessarily the “worst,” but funny:

True, but it was exactly the color / trim / options I wanted and not terribly common. More importantly, it was mine. It sucks having a brand new, $45k truck towed away for 6 weeks. Mine was not totaled, but I wish it had been (around $15k in repairs if I remember right). It was never really the same again ... sold it

Unfortunately, I have this beat ... I bought a brand new Toyota 4-runner and had it less than 24 hours. I was on my way to pick up my future wife, and was rear-ended by an old guy not paying attention. Had to be towed off with less than 50 miles on the odometer.

I think vinyl seats were invented with kids in mind.

Milk barf. It sounds simple ... just a toddler upchucking her morning milk into the car. But it’s deadly.

Active duty military ID, coupled with a casual inquiry of the officer’s military service ... most cops have been in the military, and those that haven’t are only too happy to tell a story about someone from their family or someone that they know ... and then send me on my way.

Most of this stuff sounds largely stupid and a bad idea. That said, intelligence is not post-facto requirement for parenthood, though his “surgeries” will almost certainly prevent future procreation. Leave the guy to his asinine hobby and his kids.

Someone covered the truck-bed portion on your equation (not in sweet-ass yellow though)

Interesting ... but double the budget to a still-reasonable $6k, and you have yourself a very reliable and only 3-year-old Nissan Leaf. They’re for sale literally everywhere for $6k.

Fast forward 11 months from today, and David Tracy will ask the following:

Superfast > LaFerrari

“Keeton says customers save an average of $1,500 on a used car thanks to such aspects of Carvana’s smaller overhead.”

My kids ride in the rear-facing third row seats every single day (MB E350 wagon) ... their friends marvel at too. Haven’t had any problems with the police, thankfully. That’s silly.

All the wagon fetish boxes are duly ticked, and that’s a pretty great motor.