
Pretty. But lifted or not lifted, I need third row seating in my wagon. That keeps it narrowed to Mercedes-Benz only. Le sigh.

Seen just before launch

Uh huh. Liang thine name is lamb. Thy deed be sacrifice.

Anyone who doesn’t need this in their lives has no soul. In all seriousness, I’d nerd the effing hell outta this thing ... screen accurate Batman costume and all. And damn skippy I’d make that thing run again. Batman must make an entrance.

Sweet Lawd

Soooo ... his salary (I’m sure in the million of EuroBuks) isn’t considered “reasonable” compensation?

1st Gear: It Is You Who Is Doing Ze Cheating Now, Ja?

I told myself the same thing before ... I had a ‘96 BMW 740 that averaged 1,000 a month.

Hmm. I’ve always heard that the most expensive car in the world is a cheap German car (I can now attest to that, as I bought a 10-year-old Benz wagon with low-ish miles, and it quickly accrued $6,000 in repairs).

Jeeves? A driver? Are you mad? A manservent must never be seen to drive a gentleman.

Indeed. Jeeves could use the boot space of an SUV. But a gentleman such as myself never rides in an SUV, with the single exception of a fox hunt.

Guffaw. I find this intolerable. You’ve created a place to stow my drinks. Where am I to stash my faithful manservant, Jeeves, who makes the most succulent dry martini. It was the talk of Pebble Beach, really.

So what you’re saying is that Burning Man jumped the shark. This we knew. It’s supposed to be a trade economy commune, and ceased being that years ago ... luxo helo rides is just the latest iteration. The festival is now just an excuse for people to say they’ve been there.

As a writer, it’s always embarrassing to see the things that we wrote in our youth, early career, and even the development years. We believed everyone telling us how talented we were at the time, and drank our own Kool-aid.

It appears the zenith of seat design ended with a tartan design. Truth?

I had no idea that I needed that in my life. That’s just cool, and surprisingly practical for the family (just practicing my speech for later).

Hopefully, nobody near the crash scene had an allergy to tree nuts, because, ya know, his twin danglers were hanging from a tree branch.

Cheers to you, sir. I had an ‘85 CRX ... fun little go cart, and I really want another one like it. I’m 6'6" and drive that car, no probs at all.

I don’t know. I asked David Tracy one day, and then ... poof

Was going to write something snarky about how everything keeps getting bigger and bigger (people and cars alike).