
Mine could not be killed, and since it was my first car, I was totally irresponsible and gave it the ol’ college (high school) try. Drove it, accidentally, in the surf. Once we finally got it out hours later, took it to a shop where they drained and replaced fluids, and the damn things ran fine. Interior was a difft

I’m picking up what you’re throwing down here. Really. I just think that people misuse / over-rely on technologies like this .. which really do sound wonderful ... as an excuse to pay less attention to the task at hand.

Alright sir, you win. An 82 Corolla was my very first car ... a blue coupe. I called it the Machmobile in jest, because it would not go above 65.

My mother drove the same car as pictured above ... same color and year. And get this: the car she traded in to get that snooze-a-thon? A 2005 Corvette convertible in red.

Automotive sociopaths ... I like this. Also fits with the “I will eat your children” insectile design of the new one. Ugly, but I do respect the balls to make something that doesn’t look like a bar of used soap.

Correct, when the car largely drives you, you become inattentive. And, I think in addition to that, it escalate road rage. When you’re in your car cocoon and someone cuts you off or whatever, I’ve noticed that people in drag people movers (lots of Toyotas and Lexus in there), take it further than most (lifted truck

I responded with my thoughts on Camry, and where they came from lower. Basically, they disconnect drivers from the driving experience, which leads to inattention.

My wife drives a RAV-4, so I know that boring and reliable can a good thing. But my mom had a car exactly like that one pictures. That car could turn anyone into a narcoleptic. Just disconnected from everything. And when you’re disconnected from driving, you ignore the road, and when you ignore the road, we all die in

Incorrect. People who don’t care about cars drive these by the millions:

I can just see Sally Struthers crying: “We can end Mustanging in our lifetime. All you have to do is give!”

Yes. Driving in the US is just something that, basically, anyone over 16 gets to do because they’re a certain age. Real training for drivers, and real penalties when you eff up.

Perhaps real penalties for obvious distracted driving ... I mean, we all see “that guy” texting with one hand and shaving with the other while merrily bombing down the freeway at 75 mph at 6 am. And yes, I’ve seen that ... several times.

First gear ... sounds like something that will lead to over reliance on technology, and less reliance doing what you’re supposed to do, which is pay attention while you’re driving.

Sweet Jeebus, even in pick-up bed configuration! How can you stand so much awesome at one time? I haz a very large jealous at the moment. Exquisite taste in vehicular transportation.

Good points all, as a suburban dad myself. For me though, trucks have passed me by as, I now require a third row of seating. Due to a (mostly) aversion to SUVs, and total aversion to minivans, I stuck in wagontown for the time being.

I didn’t realize that truckification had migrated all the way to jersey.

Sure looks the part ... talking about the SRT Ram, not the V-10 gasser.

Those oil guys (I’m in the industry) use company trucks during the day, and then cash in their huge, but fleeting salaries for King Ranch trucks, or Platinum editions and what have you. All of South Texas ... from ElPaso to Houston to Brownsville ... is trucks and then everything else. When I drove a Corvette, I’d

This. I shopped the Ridgelines because I thought they’d be cheaper and more practical.

Subaru ElCamino: Hell yes. I loved the Brat back in the day.