

Old FJ? Own(ed) a ‘59 Caddy? You’re living the dream. Post a pic of your ride sometime. Everybody loves those things.

Hard to know what will work ... the Honda is objectively a good vehicle, but won’t sell here. Truck bros just won’t buy.

Star for a smile. That looks brilliant. Until I goose and wrap it around a tree, because “wheeeee”

Base feature is that they should cause hair to grow on your chest just by lookin’ at them.

I can’t speak for most of my fellow Texas, other than make the excuse of this is a damn huge state that’s still primarily rural in thought if not in fact ... I live in a big city (Houston) that’s a cosmopolitan as most other cities in the world.

This is a sound, well-thought out defense of unibody truck construction.

Cool. But she’s still a child, and next month she’ll be soooo over ponies, and therefore over that house. This is an expensive version of any other toy given to a child.

That is just pure sexy time. An overdoes of Viagra and driving that car are pretty much the same thing ... a visit to the ER for priapism.

Your user name alone deserves a star.

1980s S-class. Cheap, pretty reliable, and utterly indestructible. Plus it tells people you have class, but aren’t willing to throw money into a lit furnace (new car ownership).

Second rule: The things that look bad are horrible and rotten. The things that look OK are horrible and rotten. And the things that look pretty good have shiny paint atop a nice coat of paint.

This is like seeing a prison death row. Except these are ones that really WANTED to kill their original owners, but through a lucky combination of skills and balls-o-steel, death was avoided.

I’m almost afraid to see what a $1k Series 62 even looks like. You’re a brave soul to trek that route.

Now you’re talking economics. A drivable Series 62 coupe will set you back a pretty penny ... about $20k if it’s decent at all.

I think it’s like seeing art in the sunshine ... like a traveling Mona Lisa where you can (but shouldn’t) pet the pretties.

Anything with a Harley Early fin is a glorious, beautiful thing.Like huge, sexy whales of chromed juiciness.

From the 2017 SAT prep booklet:

That’s glorious. And wish to repeat it.

I bought my childhood hero in a C3 Vette.