
My wife drives a new RAV-4.

Dave and Kathy Gano are doing the Lord’s work. Go forth and spread the word of 16-cylinder goodness, dear friends. Generally, I think that Pebble Beach is just a waste of good cars ... they’re seen as investments and treated the same as a stock certificate. No love or passion, just value and dollar signs.

I grew up in the backseat of one of these ... my dad bought it as new in 1979 in baby-turd brown and slightly less turdy tan vinyl seat that stuck to your leg everytime the temperature was above freezing.

1st gear: Many, many automotive engineers were lured away from Detroit several years back to head down to Texas for the oil industry. We desperately needed engineers. Since then, our industry has collectively laid off something like 250,000 people ... and now Detroit will likely have to lure them back from Texas.

Two to three MILLION? What the ever-loving eff. I saw that photo, and figured that even with crazy Ferarri appreciation, this would be $200k. Sweet mother of Jeebus, who would/could pay that?

Can I be the next Doug?

Finances a Panamera for 60 months, loses it; then doubles down on a Ferrari FF at what, say 90 months?

Coming soon to China:

The thing that surprises me is that there are 7,000 people with the cash to buy one of these. The want is strong, but the bank account is unable.

Trouble is, they were supposedly after enthusiasts with this model. But it looks like something an upwardly mobile junior associate banker would drive to the golf course. Might be fun to drive, but boring to look at ... and thus, le fail.

Sadly, I owned a 1996 Cutlass coupe brand new. ‘Twas an impulse buy as I went in to buy a Chevy truck, and somehow saw a marginally pretty coupe in the showroom and walked away with it.

I’m in the middle of a hefty repair nightmare, non of which I can do on my own due to a lack of a lift, a lack of time, and a bit of laziness. I bought a late-ish, low-ish mile model of MB E-350 wagon, which promptly needed new tires, then a new front suspension, new brakes, then a new fuel sending unit, then rear air


I had an XJ for a few hours, total. For that time, it was brilliant, I suppose.

I do not like it, Sam.

My E-350 wagon approves of this message. And, yep, my kids love making faces at people behind us ... they turn road rage into a sometimes grudging smile.

My biggest disappointment was followed by my second biggest disappointment, followed by success!