tools of ignorance

Once the pitcher is on the mound with the ball and ready, the ump will point at him and yell, ‘play!’ So this was kind of dumb on Beltre’s part. Everyone knows how it works.

This never would have happened at SkyDome.

As much as folks want to shit on Defenders (and there are reasons to, but it’s not nearly as bad as the internet community of “this is gold or garbage, no in between” makes it out to be), I do think that Luke Cage and Danny Rand actually had some solid scenes between the two of them, and a certain chemistry of sorts.

Who else was hoping that star was Luis?

At this point they should just throw Hawkeye into on of these posters in normal clothes cooking on a BBQ or something. Because obviously, he’s doing nothing in the movie. At least let him be home enjoying some good ‘cue.

To be fair, Cap’s old enough to legitimately call everyone on the team “kid.” He was what, 96-97 as of Civil War? Combine that with his comparatively earlier entry into adulthood as a result of the Depression and it would be plausible for Cap to treat Wanda as less mature than whatever her physical age might have been.

What the fuck are you on about? Plop plop fix fix? Are you mental? That sounds awful as the money shot unless you hare facing away from her and repairing something at the same time.

The only appropriate butter from the top take I will allow for is if you have a whole mess of grilled corn ready to eat. Rolling the hot corn on top of the Butter is very satisfying as it is the only way to ensure complete butter saturation.

If you could only play commercial jingles while getting it on, what would be your go-to to create the sexiest vibes?

I’m sure you’re an otherwise wonderful human being, but this take makes you a goddamn monster and a war criminal.

Whoah. I just realized something.

They peed on his fuckin’ rug.

They peed on his fucking rug.

They peed on his rug?

But... is he a man of constant sorrow?

His ring creates glowing green boxes to stand on.

Because her voice is like pure honey and cream and your brain wants that dopamine kick so hard.

Well we do have Ant-Man 2 and Captain Marvel between the movies, and CM is in the past, so it’s very reasonable it could be revealed there, or they find it in the quantum realm.

Like most athletes who wind up in Sacremento, he was confused, upset, and looked for any way to get the hell out of there.
