tools of ignorance

It may be time to storm Sony Studios and burn it down. I’m stopping on the way home to let the dog out to pee for a pitchfork.

I know we’re a former colony, but when did we become British again?

The Intern, FBI Agent and Doc Oc?  I’m more sold than I already was.

Probably not if he had to fly across the Atlantic to get to Australia from anywhere.  He sounds very disorientated.

Seems he’s hanging with Rufus and probably one hell of a house band.

I have a reverse understanding of what you’re saying. One of my best friends dragged me to Iron Man. Dragged.  I was very meh on going.  Now, I can’t drag him to any and I’ve been completely sucked into the MCU. Blames his lady and no time for a two hour feature. At one time, he would have demanded the clock alter

She has been in stranger things.

He’ll be back in the purple herb dreamland most likely.

Odd... Wonder if the entire family’s always been from the East End to be perpetually saved by the Galahad, and have all of the Galahads always dismissed wealth as a qualification to being a gentleman?

Way to take the context out of the shoe throwing. Was perfectly ok within the Iraqi society to throw a shoe at a despised person. Weird and not normal to North Americans, but fine there.

You don’t need to poach chicken.  There’s not even a hunting season.  Go down to the market and grab some fowl.

I do feed white meat chicken to the dog.  Unbrined and with lots of other good stuff.  Fucker eats better than most people.

Is ‘win’ in this case for most fuct or least fuct?  Taunting those at the top can be equal to or more fun than bagging on those who suck.

It’s in an unused portion of a salt mine outside of Hutchinson.  You can go to the Kansas Cosmosphere and visit shooting locations from Picnic while you’re there.  You can probably also stand around and watch the wheat grow, maybe even catch a bitchin’ thunderstorm.  It’s close to Wichita so you can fly out faster

Um... Duh?

She’s known for five years.

They gave it away in Homecoming. She had been observing Pedro dropping out of activities when he was trying to weasel his way out of the academic competition. Probably overheard Ned blathering on about how Spidey was supposed to give him a bro hug at the party cause she was standing right there. MJ has had a crush on

Sara Lance.  Captain of the Waverider.