
I completely agree that many writing problems are reading problems. In my senior capstone course, a lot of students seemed puzzled how to structure a big paper like that. So I gave them a ton of examples using different methods, ideas, etc. I told them to just choose whatever looked interesting to them, and use that

I think from the comments it may be repercussions that have changed - if you really need money from a student, expulsion is often the last thing you want to do.

But some old-ass sexist textbook?

Your high school students sound like they understand plagiarism better than my college students. I don’t know what is taught in journalism school these days, but the writers on clickbait and TV news sites do the same thing Albrecht did: rewrite someone else’s article using their quotes and research. They just link the

Prof here too - they do this all the time and I agree, my students are also genuinely confused. No matter how many times I go over it, they’re puzzled. I give examples for them to look at, and they’re just flummoxed.

A college student really should know this, right?

I don’t hardline disagree with this take. That said, the people who ARE Team Chris or heavy shade on her are so vehemently, stridently, angrily so that I find it really hard not to shout “Oh fuck you” at them. And I feel like there’s some amount of disingenuous concern trolling when the idea comes up that she’s

I agree that Albrecht probably thought she’d done original work. If I understand correctly, she used the quotes collected by Herwees and cited the original Tumblr sources. Though Albrecht should have cited Herwees, I struggle to get my students to sufficiently rephrase a paraphrase instead of just changing 1-2 words.

Yeah, I was a TA in grad school and was always surprised how many students thought that simply rearranging the sentence structure/changing a couple of words meant that it was no longer plagiarism. That’s not how it works! We were explicitly taught in undergrad and grad school what plagiarism was and the consequences.

Just came here to say this. I teach research and writing at a university and students come into my class with no idea what does and doesn’t constitute plagiarism. Most of it they pick up by the end of the course, but I have the most difficult time with getting them to understand that examples like the “respectable

This is an escalation of a behavioral pattern I see often with the university students I teach. I’m not sure what failed at the university and high school levels, but students are indeed genuinely confused about what constitutes plagiarism. Those passages Rich selected re: ‘respectable women’ are a great example -

The fact that the material is taught does not guarantee that the material is learned. Unfortunately.

“I could have provided more details on the matter but chose not to.”

Maybe we should consider the possibility that he was not guilty? I’m not saying her accusations should not be taken seriously, but it is possible he was not the monster many people assumed...

Note that I said “to the average internet nutcase” I am anonymous.

I love the movie idea!

A former coworker of mine from an old job did this. I got a text from another former coworker that said “Remember Mike?” (name changed here), and then he followed up with a link to the press release from his sentencing hearing.

It also is a really big overreaction she made.  I read over what Glennon said to her, and as a fellow Jew, I didn’t see anything antisemitic in what she said.  I found quite the opposite actually: someone who did understand the gravity of the site, and understood that it should be something that unites everyone.  I

Moral without being moralistic. This is great.

It worries me that a lot of people seem to still be under the impression that Gamergate was an expression of something unique to gamers while it becomes clearer and clearer that there is a deeper form of internet-based sociopathy at work here. This utter disconnect from the realities of their actions is becoming more