
Blogs, too! So many of the blogs just rewrite each other articles with surface-level changes. 

I love the term churnalism. So perfect.

Yep, that was my experience, too. For the most part, it’s not that people didn’t realize that plagiarism was wrong, it’s that they truly didn’t understand what plagiarism was beyond copying word-for-word. To me, that makes sense because a lot of high school writing is a lot of restating ideas from a single source.

I taught rhet/comp to undergrads and worked in the writing center at a few universities. I don’t believe most undergrad students fully understand the nuances of plagiarism. The types of mistakes made in the article are mistakes I see undergrads make—thinking that it’s sufficient to rewrite content into their own words

I love both the movie idea and that tagline

Reading through the comments below it seems like there are a lot of people misunderstanding the significance of the texts between Hardwick and Dykstra. It’s not about whether she cheated—she always said she did—it’s that her Medium article claimed she left him. She states that multiple times. But the texts show that he

I agree with you and disagree with you. I am eye rolling at the idea that she’s discrediting #MeToo because f— that noise. We know the majority of these accounts are credible because they’ve been witnessed and admitted to.

But I do think we need to care about truth and justice in every accusation. I don’t want to flip

The blacklisting thing is oddly the one that I’m most sympathetic to Hardwick about because there is no doubt that she cheated on him. Both of them agree about this. Even if she cheated on him as an escape hatch from him being abusive, from his POV, that would still be painful. IMHO, when two people have intertwined

Yeah, I do feel a little like she should put up or not say anything. She implied she had smoking gun evidence in her Medium post, but if she doesn’t share it with AMC, how can any of us expect them to act on it? (I don’t blame her for not being internally consistent, though, because I know it can be very difficult. But

With kids, so much is influenced by where you grow up and who you’re surrounded by. There are a lot of kids in Trump country being raised into hate. Many of them will never grow past it. But some will. IMHO, it’s just foolish to hold people who have demonstrated growth and change to task for the past selves they have

She wasn’t soliciting advice, but Deroir’s tweet wasn’t really offering it. She had done a lengthy tweet AMA during which she said “The dirty secret is I’m not sure if it’s possible to make an MMORPG (or CRPG) character compelling, because people have different expectations about what that character will be, as

It’s crappy that crappy people feel emboldened but sometimes there is a stopped clock situation. Price did, in fact, attack a member of the GW2 community and her behavior is the type of thing that sometimes results in firing. She was totally in the wrong.

At some point, the left is going to have to have a soul

I haven’t forgiven Jon M. Chu for the Jem abomination. Too bad he didn’t care about respecting people’s stories when he hired his all-male creative team to totally screw up everything that made Jem and the Holograms matter to girls.

Also, while his sentiment is well timed, the actual cave rescue did involve a

But when you find that years of microaggressions are vented inappropriately, you act like an adult and apologize. You don’t double down.

Bad behavior done towards you does not behaving badly towards someone else.

Also, many of us endure years of microaggressions and don’t start insulting and cursing other people

There are studies on gender bias in conversational interaction. Men interrupt, talk over, and ignore women in conversational interactions. Mansplaining is real. Womansplaining isn’t.

And talking out of your ass is never helpful, which is what mansplaining is about. I don’t agree that Deroir was mansplaining to Price,

There’s a belief I commonly see among my friends in the social justice Internet sphere that as long as you believe you are motivated by fighting against oppression, it is a good thing to be as rude as possible. However, in most lines of work, if you are a professional representing your company, you need to behave

Deroir did, though. He wasn’t even telling her that Living Story should use branching narrative. He was disagreeing that the limitations she described were generalized to MMPORG’s as a whole. He didn’t even seem to be arguing that Living Story should use branching narrative—I don’t have as much context so maybe that’s

But that’s how social media works! There’s no entitlement there. If you have a public account, people can contact you.

This is no different from what people did back in the day of writing letters to creators of content they liked. It’s simply more immediate.

He also wasn’t telling her about branching narrative. He was

That’s bullshit. People get fired all the freaking time for posts done on their personal Twitter. In fact, the left absolutely loves this when it’s people we don’t like. Heck, we’re all cheering the racists who got fired for calling the police on people, even though they did that in their private time in a way

That’s BS and you know it. This article is full of gratuitous snark, even though what you’re reporting on is actually positive. Meanwhile, when you report on negative things, there’s none of those “the Model S/X, in particular, are awesome, genuinely” disclaimers to counterbalance.

Of course, it’s possible for both