
No, whispering to a coworker while interacting with a customer is not the same as talking to a coworker in another language. But depending on the circumstance, it wouldn’t be rude either. It’s not that weird in a retail setting for coworkers to have conversations with each other that have nothing to do with the

Your interpretation of Christianity is not how the law determines a valid religious belief. You are trying to resolve the conflict by invalidating the baker’s religious beliefs, which I don’t find consistent with actual progressive politics (although sadly, is something I see a lot in progressive circles).

I agree with the comments below that despite the Vixen’s pretenses, her fights on the show had nothing to do with racism (as in literally, they were not a direct response to nor actually about race).

But if she wants to be a spokesperson for raising issues about racism in the gay community and inequities in drag

I used to think it was nonsense until I learned more about the specifics. I think progressives generally accept the premise that a business providing a goods/service is also endorsing the customer. That’s why we celebrate Red Hen’s choice and call for refusing to serve Spencer, etc.

But the flip side is that IMHO, we

That’s a reason, but I wouldn’t call it a GOOD reason. 

My point was that the behavior The Vixen was being confronted about wasn’t just about how she reacted during the Eureka fight. Eureka’s other behavior is irrelevant to that.

Phi Phi is not white passing.

I thought Jasmine received hate because of making transphobic comments on social media.

Raven and Courtney Act both received a fair amount of hate. Everyone forgets about Raven because the Internet is fickle and Raven won people back, but she was the villain of her season (accurately,

But Asia only showed that empathy to the Vixen. She didn’t show it to Kameron, who was also dogpiled on (for what exactly? being more comfortable on social media than in person? not being besties with people?). Asia isn’t likely to be the Vixen’s target, so it’s easy for Asia to talk about supporting the Vixen.

Eureka’s not getting off scott-free. But also, Eureka doesn’t have a pattern of (mildly!) antagonizing behavior. The Vixen does have a pattern of overreacting and an inability to own her role.

I believe it more because of Sam Lufti, to be honest. He’s pure sleaze.

That assumes her kids aren’t judging her simply on the basis of abandoning them. Abandoning your kids is obviously a crappy thing to do, but she was a young woman in a fairly repressive time. Hard to know what her situation was really like at the time she made that choice.

I’m really curious about the father. Did he

Has there been any confirmation that Tran really did delete her social media because of Star Wars harassment? I’m seeing a ton of stories making this claim, but every single one so far goes to that same Star Wars Facts post. Star Wars Facts does not identify any source.

I know there has been some horrible, racist

Yeah, I think it was a step back in terms of progressive portrayals women and PoC on top of being a poorly conceived middle movie for a trilogy. (and Clone Wars did the whole Star Wars is for everyone thing way better anyway)

Yeah, it was weird. Johnson did such a great job establishing Paige in that opener, and such a poor job with all the rest of his character development.

It was all downhill for Rose after that moment, though. It wasn’t Tran’s fault... I thought she (like Boyega) was charismatic and talented enough to almost rescue their characters from the horrible writing that they were stuck with. I liked watching them interact with each other, and her character concept had a lot of

It is false to say there is no proof. Trace Lysette has at least one (and I think more, but I’m too lazy to Google and double check) who was there and corroborated her account.

We also don’t know the fullness of what went into the decision to hire him. His other behavior may have been a factor or not. Van Barnes’

In the grand parlance of the Internet, you are welcome to your opinion. But if you are in a professional environment and regularly yell at your co-workers, it’s pretty common to end up fired.

It is possible that if Tambor wasn’t such an a-hole to everyone, he would have only been reprimanded for what he said and did to

Trace Lysette has a corroborating witness, and multiple people (including Jeffrey Tambor!) corroborate that he was an a-hole on set. Even if Van Barnes is exaggerating or making up the sexual harassment aspects of her account, the majority of it is consistent with what everyone else has said about verbal abuse. People

But the point is that he has faced consequences. He was fired from Transparent, a job that apparently meant a lot to him.

This just doesn’t seem like a problem to me. He doesn’t have a lengthy history of sexual harassing co-workers—IIRC, no additional allegations have been brought against him. He didn’t sexually harass anyone on the set of Arrested Development. The show was filmed prior to the information from Transparent coming out.
