
I don’t think that what he’s alleged to have done requires traveling through time and retroactively firing him from a completely different show, where he did not sexually harass anyone.

Really curious if there are going to be Jewish characters and acknowledgment that Nazis primary targets and main victim were Ashkenazi Jews. Given the amount of anti-Semitism that there’s been on the left lately (that actually included accusing Jews of appropriating oppression after Charlottesville when Jews were

Yeah, it’s its own form of erasure. Especially in CA, where a high percentage of the Silicon Valley wealthy are Asian/Asian-American.

But even if the headline weren’t inaccurately racebaiting, it would still be a weird point given that as the article itself acknowledges, CA has initiatives that are already working on

That’s the impression I’ve always had, too... and not in that he’s an overt sexist who think girls have cooties and are all incompetent/untrustworthy, but that he holds subconscious bias that makes him judge female authority figures more harshly and trusts them less.

But did students start caring about SPORTS of all things? I was an athlete at Brandeis, and we didn’t even care about sports (well... except our own). We were proud not to have a football team.

I know, right? It’s so cute how these idiot actresses think their acting ability has anything to do with why they get cast to play major roles, or they’re entering a business that’s about a well-known, respected-when-men-do-it performance talent. I bet some of them even went and took acting classes and maybe even got

Dungeons and Drag-Queens is actually brilliant, and I hope there really has been a show with that title.

That’s from the source, though, and the passage tells us a lot about Buttercup’s personality, too.

IIRC, Buttercup’s beauty is also relevant because I think that’s why Humperdink wants to marry her. I may be misremembering that. It’s been a long time.

Where did you see that? No site that I’ve seen has had motive speculated.

She did recognize it. That’s the problem of context collapse right now. The teacher is Black. She used minstrelsy masks intentionally. What she intended to do didn’t land and I agree with CaptainCookieChaos that it was probably not appropriate for an elementary performance—especially as it sounds like it was without


But unless he’s lying, he gave them his zip code to Google. Generally, zip codes don’t turn up objectionable material.

Rant mode: I will never understand why Mako Mori’s arc in Pacific Rim gets so much praise. She was plot contrivanced unconscious in the final climax so that Raleigh ended up doing the final saving deeds by himself... in the movie whose entire point was about how everyone needed to work together! That’s on top of the

I agree with your premise, but I think it is a legitimate question to ask what role/responsibility employers have in addressing this. The last time I researched this, tech stats tracked pretty well with stats for CS programs and degrees. I’m familiar with the critiques of the pipeline metaphor, but I think the

No, it wouldn’t be bad. It would be irrelevant. The case is being made based on the aggregate stats showing women were disproportionately funneled into non-technical tracks and thus paid less well. Marissa Meyer’s individual career has nothing to do with that.

She’s funny, IMHO, but that doesn’t mean she knew how to thrive in SNL. That has happened to other comedians and will happen again in the future.

I thought she and Leslie Jones were cast out of the same audition process, but Leslie Jones had to do time in the writer’s room first. I wonder if Zamata may have benefited

Didn’t that make the final cut of the movie? I swear the credits reveal of how the cons were set up show that Suzie forced Dillon’s character to seduce Bacon’s (or the reverse? it was a long time ago).

It’s Kogan’s and Cambridge Analytica’s fault. The data was not used per the agreements with Facebook, which means it was also not used per the agreements with the users.

I didn’t read the NY Times article, but I did read a longer Guardian article about this. Facebook was negligent per that article. Their security

The difference is there is actual evidence that Trump is being controlled by Putin whereas Alex Jones’s crap is continuously made up ridiculousness.

And after Trump’s firings this week, we should all be hysterical right now. Trump is literally dismantling the executive branch.

There was a time when I think this movie could have been fine, if done well. Nazi camp was a B-movie staple, and I’ve certainly enjoyed ridiculous Nazi sf movies in my time.

But right now in the US, this is a hard pass for me. We don’t need any form of cute Hitler right now, even if it ends with all proper lessons