
you can’t express an opinion about a car or a movie or a TV show anything without people making negative character assessments and wishing you were murdered.

Not a single one of these a Twitter jackasses would dare respond to someone like that in person. Social Media is destroying any social decency in the world.

Because it wasn’t decades ago since Trump was a predator or a misogynist or racist, and his own words continuously betray how he hasn’t changed. It’s current and quotidian when he spouts white supremacist rhetoric about violence overrunning the US and the loss of our and Europe’s culture. Gunn, however, has had his at

Conservatives: proving that liberals hold other liberals accountable while being completely disinterested in holding each other accountable since the beginning of society.

Disney hired Victor Salva to direct Powder AFTER he had served a sentence for sexually abusing a young actor on a previous film. That doesn’t have a lot of bearing on this situation, but it is one of the all-time WTF WERE THEY THINKING moments in film history.

Good lord, how does anyone famous not have a social media expert tell them “step one, go back through your old tweets and delete anything that might get you fired from directing a Marvel movie”? I’m surprised Disney didn’t sub rosa hire someone to do that for Gunn.

And here’s a relevant quote from O’Brien as to why two employees of ArenaNet were fired:

Oh for crying out loud. Can you AT LEAST post the original tweets and subsequent back and forth of the original incident?

The fucking gamergate jerkwads all deserve to burn in hell but you cannot write another article about this and completely gloss over the fact that she did cross a line or AT LEAST for fuck’s sake,

Milo was fired for being a pedophile. He was hired for being an asshole.

I decided to read the tweets that lead to the catastrophe before saying something, and well... Here I go:

TL;DR: Those firings could have been easily avoided if she didn’t victimize herself unnecessarily.

Apparently twitter Spam is now being called threads, as if it’s some forum, but moving on: She did an AMA on Reddit

In my years in the game industry, I have on occasion been tagged to be one of the designers that actually represents the game on the official forums.

Judging by the responses on this article, it seems that “gamers” don’t seem to understand the greater public optics. From years of misogynistic and self-entitled behavior, even if they ARE right in this specific instance (which I don’t think they are), no one will see it that way. Piss away any goodwill you have, and

This story is too important for Hollywood?

I’ve already come up with several appropriate one liners for these movies:

A few days back, no one was exactly sure how they were getting these boys out. That they were able to lower water levels sufficiently to ease the trip was a combination of work and luck. Had rain hit and it was too risky to take the boys out as they have done so far, this sub might have been the only viable escape

Sorry, but that’s not how life works.

“Get out there and make sure the players have a good time. And make sure you smile while they hit you.”

I don’t want to step into all the harassment/gamergate/reddit/firing stuff, but man I really do think she responded poorly.

I understand what you’re saying, but all of this relies on the article Singal wrote being really bad and transphobic, and nobody seems to be able to explain how it is. Even in these “private” communications, Singal repeatedly expresses how important positive transition narratives are and the power of supporting gender

Is your “female experience” simultaneously so fragile that a misplaced whisper from a transwoman could shatter it, and yet so hard-wired to disallow anyone who’s had a different experience than you?