
Jezebel pulls this type of crap all the time. It’s outrage clicks. It’s also safer to punch laterally or down at other women than to punch up at men.

It’s infuriating because yes, if you click the linked articles, you can often find out that Jezebel is completely misrepresenting what the person said. But we shouldn’t

And you think the best solution to that is to disbelieve women and blame them for men’s actions? You don’t think THAT’S nonsense?

Yep. There is no way Whitney could actually read the People article and think Katie Couric was defending Lauer instead of simply talking about her own experience of learning about what happened. She is very clearly speaking from the standpoint that the accusations are true.

So you’re essentially saying you think she’s lying, even though you have no way of knowing what she actually did or didn’t know.

Jezebel is also being misleading again. In the linked article with her full statment, Couric is not defending Lauer. She’s simply stating her own truth of her experiences with him in order

You are correct. I was not around for that startling leap of illogic.

She also said earlier “She says he then resumed kissing her, briefly performed oral sex on her, and asked her to do the same thing to him. She did, but not for long. “It was really quick. Everything was pretty much touched and done within ten minutes of hooking up, except for actual sex.”

Although I know this breaks

There was oral sex, although it is not clear to me that it was nonconsensual oral sex in any way that Ansari could know without being a mind reader. There are situations where I think pressured is equivalent to forced, but IMHO, those situations include some implied threat such as a prior demonstration of force or a

Does anyone? I thought Kai’s letter was the final nail in that coffin.

Since Wahlberg clearly doesn’t need the money, I’d be interested in more of a confession from him about how this happened. Did he not actually know Michelle Williams and Ridley Scott were working for scale? Why was he playing (or his agent playing) hardball in the first place?

She didn’t become the person people focused on back when it all happened. Kerrigan was the one everyone was watching and rooting for, and there was a huge uproar over whether Kerrigan was robbed of the gold by Baiul. Kerrigan’s luster dulled a bit when she was caught on the hot mike snarking about Baiul and the

Kerrigan wasn’t even upper-ish class. She got framed as the elegant ice princess, but Kerrigan’s dad was a welder and her mom—who had vision problems—was a SAHM. That’s a pretty blue collar background.

Back in the day, I was totally Team Tonya but now that I’m an adult, I’m on Team Kerrigan. She was a beautiful,

Much as I hate to agree with someone named Cool Beans dude, in this case I think they’re right. The allegations against Franco seem to be that actresses felt uncomfortable by being in sexually charged scenes that they were informed about and explicitly agreed to be in. Sure, Franco may have been a jerk at the

Antoine Galland’s claim of hearing the tale from a Syrian storyteller was almost certainly false. No story resembling Aladdin has ever been found in an authenticated Alf Layla wa Layla or other recorded collection and a number of the motifs are not found in actual Arab tales.

But Galland used China as a symbol of

Did you see “The Great Wall”? Because that is not actually what happened in it, and I remain amazed at the way geek media waved the mantle of social justice to slam a Chinese-directed, Chinese co-produced film that starred an overwhelmingly Chinese cast and featured a WoC lead, solely on the basis of something like a

It also seemed weird that the whole storyline happened without any real acknowledgement that Finn had been kidnapped from his family to be raised by the Stormtroopers. The storyline was played as though Finn was this naif, being shown about the inhumanity of the First Order by Rose. That Finn should have a direct

Preach it! I’m frustrated that the Internet has turned it into a battle between alt-righters and progressives, too, because I think that’s obscuring discussion of the narrative failures. I’d much rather discuss that.

She called 911. It’s not like she sat there and watched him drown without doing anything.

I’m a bit confused by what exactly did/didn’t happen with the paddle because the articles are conflicting. One made it sound like she didn’t take the paddle; she said she did something to the ring and police leapt on that as

It has to do with the details that Jezebel is leaving out. Most of us commenting discussed this story in the first go round. The theory on how she’s responsible doesn’t make a lot of sense—the drain plug has nothing to do with keeping water out of the kayak and she explained she removed it months before the trip

No, they didn’t do that (somewhat surprisingly!). As far as I can tell, they simply ignored the many comments correcting their errors and faulty spin.

Because I start out grayed. :) I don’t have a registered Kinja account, which I’ve always assumed was required to not start out grayed. Generally, my comments end up ungrayed, so I also have low motivation to become a non-grayed commenter.