
I watched the response last night. If I remember correctly, she stated they found out he had Downs 3 days after he was born. They never had to go through the decision of whether or not to abort because they didn't know.

Planned Parenthood delivered their own response to McMorris Rodgers:

Fuck you, Cathy. If you gave a damn about the potential of every human life, you and your fellow idiots wouldn't be trying to cut education and SNAP.

Burt, Applet has been taking pictures of himself since he was about 3 months old and now (at 6.5 months) is quote passionate about it. His other hobbies include watching videos of himself and eating cheese.

This is the face I get every time mine notices I have the camera aimed towards her. I try to get a normal picture and she turns into a freaking ham. She's not even a year and a half yet and already knows....

What are the chances I can get paid to let people watch me read internet news?

You know who agrees with you? Rapists.

But paying people at least minimum wage and compensating them for all of the hours they work is. It doesn't matter if you're a cheerleader or a teacher or a CEO. There are laws saying people have the right to be paid for their hours worked.

::cue the "they don't have to do that job, they can just get another job" crowd::

Honestly guy, if you don't want a child, you shouldn't have sex. Your options are more limited, and rightly so. Given just how much more expansive your options are in pretty much every other aspect of your entire fucking life, maybe you could quit whinging about it for a fucking second.

Or, if you're sure that you

Except because its the woman's body that carries the child you cannot force a woman to do so. When will you MRAs understand that?

Women get to terminate pregnancies. But only their own pregnancies. Men get to terminate pregnancies, but only their own pregnancies. No one gets to force another adult who is capable of self-determination into a medical procedure they don't want. The end.

Actually no, explicit verbal approval is not needed for sex. If she consciously and without duress (like being threatened) lets him then she consciously and willingly let him.

I can't wait to see how the MRAs spin this one.

"he encouraged her to go to his father's obstetrics clinic"

Now playing

See what happens when women in gaming try to talk about their experiences:

A friend of mine was an NFL cheerleader. She quit to be a dancer in a cage in a casino because the pay was better and the work was less degrading. I wish I were making this up.

You are talking about an EXTREME TINY MINORITY OF MEN

You can hate people on the internet, but it's not very useful to say that women just need to stand up for themselves. Women didn't create this problem. It's the industry as a whole which created the situation where reporting harassment can end your career.