Too Drunk To Jive

I have seen it twice and enjoyed it (even though the movie clearly has a lot of problems). But one I don’t agree with is that is “it seem like Mercury’s HIV diagnosis was one of the reasons for Queen getting back together for Live Aid“.  Even in the context of the movie’s odd timeline he found out about his HIV AFTER t

I mean they are strong as hell, but at least they are balanced by giving up 3 Prizes on a KO. The powercreep is still real, but it’s not as massive as I originally thought.

Those aren't real fans. For the real fans it still hasn't sunk in yet that the Eagles won the Super Bowl.

I don’t at all understand your frustration with the more uplifting aspects of this episode. To me they all felt earned. The events of each character’s story led them to the events of this episode. It felt like a few small triumphs in the still very bleak world. Of course June didn’t want to leave. She just convinced

Combined I don’t think this state can eat enough pizza to fix even a 1/4 of it.

People sue for literally anything they think can make them money

Wait what about Oxford Commas?

Did any of these people ever think if they paid their athletes even a LITTLE BIT (Or at the very least allowed them to receive aid) they might stay in school?

Then with more big names staying longer the NCAA would make more money

I’ve done my taxes on Credit Karma for 2 years now and can’t sing it’s praises enough. Incredibly simple and free.

Hopefully the end of this invasion storyline. I decided to give it a chance as as a friend was watching it and every match seemed to have shenanigans. I am fine with at times (Like Rhodes/Omega), but I can’t FATHOM a storyline that would make me feel any better about the ending to the Last Man Standing match.

I didn’t

Everything after hour two was bad
Everything after hour four was miserable (Sans Strowman)

Sadly not all protests were respected

“After starting the 2011 season with a 1–5 record, on October 18, it was announced that McNabb would no longer be the starting quarterback for the Vikings, as the job was given to rookie Christian Ponder for the remainder of the season”

Maybe he is gearing up for his run in the XFL.

Literally a subplot straight out of the movie Contagion.

Monster Hunter World.

Abscessed tooth. It started to hurt Friday, and got a little worst Saturday. Saturday night I woke up and it was excruciating. Went to ER around 1am Sunday, saw dentist Monday, and the tooth was out 10 days later.

Urgent Care wasn’t open for another six or so hours, and when I woke up sweating, face swollen, with my heart racing and pain so horrible I couldn’t bare it (Even after OTC painkillers) I made the decision to go to the ER. Maybe for someone else it seems silly, but in that moment I was agonizing and genuinely fearful

Urgent Care wasn’t open for another six or so hours, and when I woke up sweating, face swollen, with my heart racing and pain so horrible I couldn’t bare it (Even after OTC painkillers) I made the decision to go to the ER. Maybe for someone else it seems silly, but in that moment I was agonizing and genuinely fearful

I do, every week!