For every good joke, there’s an equal and opposite joke.
Let’s not forget the Miami Marlins forming a pitching staff of nothing but professional bowlers.
he knows he could have found a job with his physics degree.
in Orem, Utah; El Segundo California; Perth, Australia; back to El Segundo
But did he lead off with Whoa Black Betty?
I mean, hiring a guy accused of serious financial crimes to the Trump Campaign is pretty directly on-brand.
As a Jayhawk fan I watched this expecting Mario Chalmers. Instead I get Ali Fuckmylife from Northern Iowa against KU. PTSD.
what’s a white sox
Tom Clancy’s Gym Recon 3: Presidential Fitness
A shirtless Gronk, covered in body glitter, stands atop a Cancun balcony, staring off in the distance, as he finishes his Bud Light Lime, and mutters “Yo soy fiesta.” It is only there, above the crashing of the waves that he realizes he has no idea who he has been saying yo to, all these years.
As an avid hunter and someone who owns guns these types of situations piss me off. Why can’t we have some tighter controls on guns? Why cant we expand the background checks? I cant stand the NRA and refuse to join them because of how extreme their stance is. Work with people to find some sort of common ground instead…
Thanks for your continued support of Deadspin. Later.
I really didn’t notice a vast difference between how they played with Foles vs. Wentz.
I missed what you did there at first glans.
Probably wasn’t too secure to use one of Peter Gammons’s tweets as your password, anyway.
My favorite response:
The parody becomes even more on-point when you learn he wasn’t paid for this.