
You guys know the whole thing about Gmail not recognizing periods within your email address, right? [First][Last]@gmail com is identical to [First].[Last], as far as they’re concerned. Other issues too, around middle initials, etc.


“But I want the cake! Give me the cake!”

Deserves recognition.

+1 Masturbate, Asphyxiate, Without your own Mate...

Huge Chunk Of Boulder Breaks Off In Climber’s Hands, Climber Breaks Off Huge Chunk In Pants

Cleo is either Dobie or Rott with some other stuff besides (whatever has speckled feet and walks around with its nose to the ground). Undocked ears = doggo pigtails. Too smart for her own good - knows the cork floor is slick, so scoots her butt against the wall when sitting. Once unscrewed the lid off a peanut-butter

Confirmed white person speaking: it’s been “dressing” in my family for at least five generations. City vs. Country, maybe?

Star this, you motherfuckers.

Force US citizenship and this is solved.

CTRL-F “Giannis” no results?

Sex joke AND Seahawks offensive-line dig. I should be able to star this twice.

Ashamed to admit that at first glance I saw “95 These’s, Ranked”.

I don’t understand the positive connotation of that phrase. At any given point in time, at least 25% of the adults in any room I happen to be in are complete assholes. Sometimes, it’s me!

I’d never spoken the word “dullard” aloud until I watched her. The first Google Images search hit for “slack-jawed”, made flesh.


That photo...

“Architect”-as-verb is, sadly, a “thing” in software development. I wish to God that I didn’t have to waste mental “bandwidth” having to deal with it, especially in “offline” discussions...

Have your star, Padre.