Too Grey to Function

Never trust a state that uses vinegar based bar-b-que saute.


Saying it doesn’t seem to have helped. Maybe you should stop saying it and actually do it.

There’s a lot of math involved.

If any good could come from these cuts it could help keep tuition costs in check. Colleges can either offer lower tuition or deal with lower enrollment.

Of course it was reallocated. We all know bears are the #1 threat to America.

Are they completely eliminating the loan forgiveness program? Reduce funding? Or phase it out by not offering it to new graduates? The article is vague on this. Other areas have specific amounts listed.

Few and far between? Don’t you think it depends on the major?

Boom! Roasted.

Hey Hazel, how many movies have you been in? I’m guessing 3 less than this guy.

Think he will cast Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace?

I’m more concerned about the heinous crimes she committed and lives she put at risk than what pronoun to call her.

New picture day?

Pretty racist to call people of color thugs.

Turkey’s military is supposed to be the guarantor of secularism in Turkey. They coup for better reasons than most.

Wolves are awesome!

What are considered good tv ratings? Other articles say the show had good ratings.

So gang culture is the problem here.

I think it would be a very short article. The bar for possibly sexist things is set extremely low.

Or you serious? Or do you just hate vans? I can’t tell.