I don’t notice it taking the contacts out, because my finger never touches my eye. It’s the next morning when the lenses have been soaking in that bit of capsaicin all night long that really delivers.
I don’t notice it taking the contacts out, because my finger never touches my eye. It’s the next morning when the lenses have been soaking in that bit of capsaicin all night long that really delivers.
+1 morning shot of Jack
Anyone who gives a shit about POTG is the kind of facile teenaged idiot who’d make Overwatch better by quitting.
How many little kids do you know who enjoy mustard?
Exactly. I’m left-handed but right-eyed so I was always taught to shoot right.
Bonus 3rd question: “Remember when you oversaw the release of Blackwing Lair and your ‘black box’ mentality led to a totally untested, untuned, game-crashing disaster of a launch? How would you compare that to competitive?”
If I could ask Jeff Kaplan two questions, I’d ask 1) how many women work on Overwatch? and 2) how do those women feel about working for a guy who spent his EQ days trafficking in stolen nudes and until pretty recently went professionally by the name “Tigole Bitties?”
English people are fucking albinos.
Be fair; the Kardashians are famous because Kim fucked Ray J on camera.
You’re missing out.
Butterfly is also faster than freestyle for very short distances, so maybe the only event should be the 25 Fly. Which I’m pretty confident Phelps would win.
Two weeks ago, doubles had to be allowed because THE GAME DEMANDS CREATIVITY and now no doubles. GG Blizz.
Remember just a few years back when SAS was so dumb and hacky that even ESPN got tired of him and didn’t renew his contract? And now he runs the place.
You mean THE best Castlevania game.
It’s more that Macs are designed not to run games well. Steve Jobs loathed games and gamers; they interfered with his terribly cool aesthetic.
Same reason that big outdoor concerts build a delay into their off-stage speakers—ensuring the sound arrives all at once, otherwise people on the lawn would hear an echo.
Have you ever been to the Bay Area? It’s really nice there. People were sad about the Warriors losing for like two days.
Whatever they say the punishments will be, we KNOW they’re insufficient. How do we know? Because people are still leaving ALL THE DAMN TIME. More than half of my games involve leavers. It’s all over the place. So whatever system they put in place, however well-intended, has obviously failed.