
The real problem isn’t even the inconvenience to the players involved, it’s the way advancing in ranks becomes impossible due to leavers in every winning game. Victories get you 1/15 of a rank and losses drop you nearly a full one.

More than half of my wins have been neutered by leavers. Last night I won three games in a row and received only a fraction of a level in rating because one person on the losing team ragequit near the end of each. I dropped from 56 to 51 in a single day DESPITE A WINNING RECORD because leaving is so prevalent. I’m

If you didn’t know what you were getting from an arcade FPS with a loooooong beta cycle, I dunno what to tell you.

“It’s a game whose developer and community have at least tried to avoid the pitfalls of other online gaming communities.”

I consider myself a reasonable person but I will absolutely rail on a motherfucker who’s playing Hanzo on Offense and throwing ults at Torbjorn turrets not know they’re immune. If we have an S76 and the enemy Pharah is running loose, I will absolutely yell at him to do his fucking job.

So 32 billionaires paid a whopping $1M each for a stooge who does exactly what they tell him and takes all the heat for all of the decisions they make. Sounds like a great deal. Every rich guy in the world would love to get in on it.

Injuries from human teeth can blow up with cellulitis or something similarly nasty overnight. The surgery could easily have been to drain an abscess. Can’t put your body through the Tour de France while on mega-antibiotics and having fever sweats.

“Beta” has become such a horseshit weasel term. If someone paid for a product and is using it in the real world, it’s not a beta.

From the British perspective, there is only one currency.

If you kids aren’t listening to the Chapo Trap House, you’re voluntarily driving your own lives into the toilet. Come for the cum jokes, stay for the Turkish nationalism.

I believe we were calling them the Hun back then.

Your handle is very appropriate.

ITT someone who went to fucking UVA and got an MFA from Michigan talks about white privilege.

You constantly read about guns going off accidentally and injuring/killing people. Impact or static discharge can also (in theory) ignite a chambered round without the trigger even being involved. This is why gun safety guidelines say you should always keep weapons unloaded and trigger-locked inside a fitted locked

I’ve played a LOT of online shooters over the last 20 years and have seen basically everything the genre has to offer. Overwatch has by far the most consistently frustrating back end I’ve encountered. No other title ever produced this many WTF moments on a consistent basis. Shots going through walls, shots passing

This post so thirsty

Counterpoint: giving blood makes me feel like warmed-over shit for days afterwards and wrecks my workouts for two weeks. Almost nothing is worth feeling like that.

This will not get the stars it deserves.

Johnny is exactly the sort of dude who would see a 6-foot glass megabong with four mouthpieces and say “TREAT YO SELF”

And if you’ve seen Gabe, you know that’s one giant bathtub.