There are two types of people in Utah: white-as-hell Mormons and black-as-hell African immigrants. Only one of these groups drives taxi cabs.
There are two types of people in Utah: white-as-hell Mormons and black-as-hell African immigrants. Only one of these groups drives taxi cabs.
Not that I’d expect a thread necromancer to know much about science but this experiment would be just as non-falsifiable as the original. If the book got published, would that mean sexism is vanquished? It would not. Now move along to the next year-old thread.
Uber drivers don’t spend their days around poorly monitored piles of cash.
Widowmaker isn’t exactly the toon you’d use to show off skill in Overwatch. I’m horrible at sniping in most games and Widow makes it so easy to land kills.
They need to take the Killcam out of Overwatch. Not for players’ sake—it’s easily turned off on your own—but because it puts their own janky-ass net code and loose mechanics on blast. In most FPS’s, you get killed, say “bullshit!” and then concede from the Killcam that he got you. The Killcam puts the lie to your…
It’s just too much work, juggling NBA head coaching with a late night SportsCenter gig. The back and forth to Bristol must be insane.
I’m often critical of Blizzard but Ion Hazzikostas is one of the best things to ever happen to the WoW community and hardly anyone knows it.
First team to 80 wins.
The joke is that these two actors doing things together on camera makes a lot of people laugh. If they don’t make you laugh, I suggest you watch different actors in a different movie.
Draymond celebrating the instant the ball’s in the air.
“Any male I don’t like.”
I’m in exactly your boat with regard to TF2 and I’m loving Overwatch. Skills absolutely transfer, particularly with characters like Junkrat (Demoman with traps instead of stickies) Pharah (Soldier with a jetpack) and Mercy (Medic with more damage and glide wings) and Reinhardt (Heavy with a shield and hammer instead…
Oh thank God she’s back to leverage feminism into sweet hot cash LES’ GO
That would be because they’re all paper-thin cartoons with no meaningful backstory or connection to any audience.
I believe this is the juncture where I type “u mad”
You poor sweet naive little thing, bless your heart.
Kulpa’s queasy, terrified smirk throughout is worth the price of admission.
Everyone in that picture looks really unhappy over what’s about to happen.
Criticism they dismissed for months and months, finally changing once most of the playerbase quit. Blizzard makes childish mistakes with their games. They’ve just built an unassailable fortress of brand loyalty.
It’s a fucking superhero comic being hocked by Disney/Marvel. If you want to have a conversation about race, there is an entire planet full of better and more important and more salient material with which to have it.