
God I can’t wait to moralize and shame over BMX tournaments I can’t fuckin wait

Great job gutting out that tough home W against the Magic, dudes.

God, Pegasus Bridge. Thanks for triggering me Luke.

This is not okay. I’m not okay with this.

Since half the internet insists on talking like rappers let’s just call this a wash.

Great things happen when you go an entire game without pouting and bitching and getting ejected.

Agreed. It was bizarre and terrifying for stretches, even against the Warriors in the West Finals.

So on the high school swim team we had this thing where before the first meet in the season the freshmen got ambushed after practice and the upperclassmen buzzed their heads with trimmers and if you refused they called you a pussy and let you go.

That was it. That was the worst of the hazing. WTF is wrong with these

I opened this article, CTRL-F’d “savage garden,” saw no results and knew you were full of shit.

“(whose been to the last five NBA Finals).”

An exercise in self-parody. Goodbye, doofus.

SIGH huge numbers of people legitimately aren’t aware of the fine points of protocol w/r/t trans people in media stories so if people don’t know these things it can’t be common courtesy now can it?

Think about all the unstated assumptions in your reply and then get back to me on ideology.

He’s already become her. The article is extremely confusing because modern progressive discourse states we’re not ever allowed to acknowledge a trans person ever had another identity.

Would have been nice to clarify this so those of us who don’t follow the scene aren’t totally confused and having to Google who this person is. On the other hand, it’s basically impossible to write about a trans person without the Internet screaming at you for some breach of left-wing protocol, so Grayson’s just doing

Wait who the fuck are these losers

Note that Russell Westbrook, athletic freak of nature and the favorite player of online hoops writers, plays absolutely zero defense on any of these plays. Dies on every screen, calls for switches from Adams (a 7-footer on Lillard at the perimeter? Okay) and generally moseys around while his man goes off. OKC puts

The kids in high school who liked They Might Be Giants are the kids who had big dreams of being artists but ended up selling speakers because they were simpletons with no damn taste.

You are aware that removing the instruments from a recorded song doesn’t make it a capella, right? Nah, I’m sure you did, you music expert you.

“Antontio?” Is he your personal friend or are you just some drooling potato-fattened Yinzer?