FYI Cho’gall goes back to Warcraft 2, released in 1995. One of the series’ iconic characters along with Gul’dan and the other big Horde figures in the Second War.
FYI Cho’gall goes back to Warcraft 2, released in 1995. One of the series’ iconic characters along with Gul’dan and the other big Horde figures in the Second War.
Oh man, is it ever. Baiting half-health Cho’galls to their sudden explosive doom is sooooo much fun.
Best European player ever. One might argue best foreign player ever but Hakeem.
I’m sickened people are voting for a Grade D pun over this.
Wait, so you found an 8-year-old YouTube video and decided that was publishworthy?
Because nothing bad ever happens to children while in the care of their parents.
This is why the “if Peyton can stay healthy this year” talk was always wishful thinking. Old guys don’t forget how to play, they just get hurt over and over and over again.
“the rest of the Western Conference seems to be stuck in a morass of mediocrity.”
Technically they’re in the midst of a 12-game losing streak!
For sure, which is why you don’t see much Murky in ranked. But most players experience the game as QM and long stuns from ANY toon are still horseshit IMO.
Pretty sure that character has used Metamorphosis (or its equivalent) in that screenshot. They won’t look like that all the time.
You can still do it solo but you have to be on your toes to get auto-attacking the instant it becomes targetable (3 hits total). Pain in the ass especially in a fight where a single misclick will bone you.
His stun ult is supremely stupid and un-fun. When you don’t know how to design something in a MOBA, just give it a long-ass stun. Other than that I’d say he’s fine, though the exploding fish shouldn’t be so hard to target and destroy.
Do you have any idea what the death and injury numbers look like for other sports and extracurricular activities? I ask because I don’t know, but I suspect you don’t either.
(Bottle of liquor sashays onstage)
Fallon: “OhmyGodIloveyousomuch!”
In fairness, the current state of affairs is largely an artifact of the Tea Party wave election in 2010, which just happened to coincide with the Census and mandatory re-districting. So extremely fortunate timing led to a situation where they appear more dominant than they really are, at least until 2020.
Exactly. You can’t stick to anything without it, and if Artanis isn’t actively hitting he’s in big trouble.
Why does that bullet still have its casing after being fired?
I know two people from there and they both call it that.
Remember those rumors from college about Mallett having drug issues? Yup.