
The Ravens bitch about officiating every single time they lose. Part of the team’s persistent and inexplicable persecution complex. F them.

Every recap article on ESPN tells me who won, WTF gaiz

Maybe you’d have better romantic luck if you didn’t call women “it” :P

Also the matchups with Golden State in the Finals worked out so he put up giant numbers on a big stage.

Niner fans. They see your chair and raise you a knife in the kidney.

Football culture is militaristic enough that many players will do completely asinine things if they believe the coach has ordered it. Also, failure to do so might cost a down-the-roster player like Whalen his job.

Had a couple friends who grew up in that town and even they called it “White Folks Bay.”

How the fuck does anyone employ Rembert Browne to do anything? Were white New Yorkers really so impressed by his “prep school kid attends first street protest, gets frightened although nothing happens and nobody is hurt” Ferguson piece that he gets to have a career now?

I thought so too but double-check the time. It’s the morning.

“They’re a very...musical people, aren’t they?” -Randolph Duke

LOL Rembert Browne. LOL The Atlantic’s integrity along with the sainted Coates, whose proclamations may only be received once you’ve sat through an ad from Goldman fucking Sachs. He knows exactly where, how and by whom his bread is buttered.

Good. All of these are good.

Man, I’d hate for Bochy to get a big head over this.

Unsure what’s going on here but I love it.

Not only that, getting good 3B production out of a rookie making league minimum! From the Giants’ perspective, it’s been a painless divorce.

Would love to see the HOTS matchmaking system at work here. Teams take the field with 3 QBs, 4 RBs, 3 WRs and always one fucking Nova.

And yet, we’re the Super Bowl champs and Brady’s starting Week 1. We’re the wealthy straight white men of the sports world...we’ve got it so great, there’s nothing you can say to even hurt our feelings.

Kael’s ult has an insanely short cooldown and it combines with his other abilities to turn a large area into an absolute firestorm. “Get out of the circle!” is a poor rebuttal when HOTS is so objective-based. Also, at lvl 20 he can move the circle. Kael does way too much damage and the combination of Kael and Jaina