
That one in the middle is a TOTAL Regina.

You’d break into the Patriots’ computers only to discover you’d actually hacked a dummy system set up specifically to attract and trap enterprising hackers. All their important information is stored in card catalogue form and stored in Belichick’s office/bedroom/bathroom/basement which are all the same room.


Fair point. But team fights aren’t created equal, right? If it’s two teams on an open plane (plain if you want to be literal), winning an engagement requires a specific set of complementary skills. Put an objective in the terrain that affects the larger map, and suddenly the combatants have more choice. A team that

Honestly, F League. The games take forever, they’re mechanically dull as bricks (does ANYONE actually like the process of last-hitting minions? Or the minutiae of Masteries, Runes and buy order?) and the playerbase makes me wish for the end of the human race. It doesn’t make me happy; it actively teaches me to be a

Yeah, but when comps often get so whacked out, I don’t think it’s fair to say “you must be able to win large team fights.” Many’s the Quick Match game where from the get-go one team has no chance in the open field just because of comp matchup. Powerful objectives are equalizers for weird teams in my experience.

The single biggest edge HotS has on the others is its short games (though the no-surrender thing is irritating). I stopped playing League just because I can’t block out 45 minutes to an hour at a time where leaving my PC is not an option. Adult responsibilities. Shit comes up.

I have a giant giant giant crush on Ros Gold-Unwude. Excellent broadcaster, gorgeous, Stanford alum, Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Year. Total package.

This is very good but would be better with a NorCal rap reference :P

If I can play high-level ultimate catching discs at 60mph with stitched fingers, you can play a damn video game. Cuts aren’t injuries; they’re ouchies.

Thrilled with this Dubs season, bitterly disappointed Kuzmic never did anything to become a viral sensation.

Also Kendrick Perkins’ exploded ACL in Game 6. That was the series.


Reading white New Yorkers wax rhapsodic about Chipotle is fucking hilarious. You realize it’s just Taco Bell with added pretention?

Dragonball is like pro wrestling—a litmus test to see which of your friends are simpletons devoid of taste or tact.

Arms and Le Mans I sing...

Last night was such a Joey game. Ostentatiously wrong calls all over the court.

Just FYI, the article never states which team (Mariners or Phillies) Amaro GM’s for. I had to check the comments to find out, because only hardcore fans know the names of every GM in the league. Maybe add the word “Philadelphia” or “Phillies” before the term “General Manager?”

Bowel and bladder control suspect at best.

Fuck you. +1