Oh, it’s a FLASHlight that’s also a lantern? Well, who gives a shit
Oh, it’s a FLASHlight that’s also a lantern? Well, who gives a shit
Oh, it’s a FLASHlight that’s also a lantern? Well, who gives a shit
Oh, it’s a FLASHlight that’s also a lantern? Well, who gives a shit
In before the wackos start yelling about light-skinned baby privilege.
He was cute against the pathetic East (the Hawks were a battered joke by the Conference Finals), but the Warriors are going to stomp the tattoos right off his neck.
...he’s dead?
“Physically disadvantaged” is a tricky term. Iverson was small, but he was also one of the most gifted athletes to ever walk the Earth.
He’s doing it on an internal listserv that’s been lovingly maintained since 1981.
I have no idea what this show is, and I’m proud. I’m proud not to know that.
Joke’s on you. Here in America, anyone with a foreign accent is either a rom-com lead (Scottish, Irish) or a Bond villain (every other accent).
Worth noting the Dodgers recently got swept in San Francisco without scoring a run and their division lead is down to half a game. It’s not like they’re prancing away with the pennant and a really good hitter is just fluff.
Are...are you kidding, with this comment? You said you don’t get the love. I explained why people enjoyed this enjoyable action flick, with a dig at your jaded internet schtick. And then RAGE. Do you understand that the phenomenon you’re describing is best evidenced by your own comments? Lordy McGordy, these children…
It’s pretty impressive you’re so jaded and cynical that spectacular visuals and brutal stunts bore you. God, you must be so cool.
I’m not the kind of guy who spends much time caring about race in movie casting, but that entire trailer FOR A MOVIE CALLED “ALOHA” features zero nonwhite people (unless you count one or two in the background of one crowd shot) and no suggestion that anything outside of these white people matters. I’m sure the movie…
Personally, if I were going to sink this kind of money into something fun and juvenile, it would be a jet ski.
By the way this game rules and should be getting more love. XCOM meets Syndicate with procedural levels and roguelike elements.
He’s not blaming movies for his addiction. He’s saying movies are the reason he decided to become an addict. It’s a perfectly rational decision, so long as one doesn’t mind being smelly, undateable to most human beings and bound for a lingering, painful death.
I always enjoy Leslie Horn’s posts. They’re a fascinating anthropological window into what’s going on within a very particular strain of white people.
Harden’s a great player. But as a Warriors fan, I’m thrilled with those shots. Long-dribble isos leading to fadeaway 17-footers with Thompson right in his face? Grats on the makes, man. Meanwhile, your teammates are standing around losing all engagement with the game. It’s not a coincidence that the Rockets sleep for…
I knew guys in college who tried really really hard not to for religious reasons. They’d break down about once a month. They got married to funny-looking Christian girls (whom they never even kissed open-mouthed) the INSTANT college was over. Had to bust that nut. Brutal.
“He was the second-closest thing to a father I ever had.” -Brock Samson
If you’ve made the decision as showrunners to have Sansa marry Ramsey, marital rape goes with the territory. “But you didn’t have to SHOW it!” They didn’t; they cut away to Theon’s face reflecting the horror and rage and grief the audience felt. “Okay, well maybe just imply it?” Okay, let’s shy away from horror in a…