
This headline could also be applied to the book series.

Is it weird that I’ve long nursed a TV crush on Jemele Hill? That’s weird, right?

Amped for this new season of Dead Girl Town.

Anyone who ever thought quality music would result from a reality TV show deserves whatever they get.

Agreed. I find they’re also good background noise for playing video games. Throw on a podcast, hop into a League of Legends round and they’ll both be done around the same time.

Why absurd? Why gimmicky? It’s the playoffs; you’re going against one team. The Grizzlies are lopsided and the Dubs should have been packing the paint all along. Gimmicky in the regular season is smart in a seven-game series, unless Memphis can just magically persuade Lee and Allen to become better shooters than

Also he gave a job to Rembert Browne (sp? I don’t care), who is atrocious. Remember when Grantland presented his “prep-school kid attends first serious protest, becomes frightened” essay as a Major Thought Piece? Pretty sure Simmons just needed a young black friend to go with his old black friend (Jalen, who has the

“Okay, I guess.” -the Clippers, Rockets, Cavs, Warriors, Wizards, Hawks and Bulls, representing 7 of 8 second-round teams, all of whom shoot a lot of 3s and none of whom are down more than one game in their respective series.

Going 3-13 with an atrocious team and having to live in Tampa will be comeuppance enough.

It all started when the booger-eaters every cinema in the country with fucking comic book movies.

I write this after the NYT news has broken, but IMO the guy wants a lot of money and total freedom. Going it alone would provide only the latter. Taking it independent makes a certain amount of sense—his buddy Adam Carolla makes a good amount on his own—but Simmons has never been into the everyday grind. Or, if he

How would that work? Grantland is an ESPN property. It cannot be extricated from the tentacles unless the Shoggoth of Bristol consents. And why would she, sanguine as she is with the blood of her prey?

Where would he get the money to do that? The guy’s not going to court investors and he already did the Prestige Website thing with Grantland. Leaving to start his own place at this point would be a huge risk with little upside, which someone like Simmons (not the greatest work ethic, with two youngish kids and an

Where does one even GET a properly-proportioned Spongebob shirt at that size?

Strongly agree, that’s Krukow. His voice is higher than Kuip’s and you can hear the California surfer twang in the “fuckin’.”

Another point in your favor: Joakim was raised the son of a Jamaican songstress and a French tennis star. I don’t know Cardale’s background, but I’m going to guess it’s harder than that.

How many people on Earth could actually handle Joakim in a fight? He’s 6’10”, long, strong, tough as nails and completely crazy. You KNOW he bites.

“Soundgarden” is indeed the answer.

Ironic that so many folks who normally distrust anything the NFL does and rage about Goodell’s overreach are now begging, PLEADING for the Ginger Hammer just because they think the Patriots will suffer. Sort of like how many progressives discover newfound trust in the carceral state the instant anyone brings up “rape

WEIRD. It’s almost as though Chicago had the third-worst pass D in the league.