
As a Warriors fan, it’s very strange to root for the only team in the West that isn’t imploding due to injury (or in Houston’s case, massive buttheadery).

This comment makes you seem like a crazy person just FYI

Short answer, yes. Longer answer: given how the game was played for decades and that the 3-point line didn’t even exist in the NBA until 1979 (the ABA implemented it in 1967), the question kind of dates itself. A bit like asking about all-time baseball closers knowing the role “closer” is a relatively recent

Instead of watching the fight, I curled up on the couch with my lady and watched “Wayne’s World” on Netflix. I won the evening, not Floyd.

It’s TOE the line, not “tow.” The metaphor is a group of people standing in a perfect rank, thus with toes on a line. “Tow the line” implies that the subject is, like, a boat or something? Towing a fishing line, or something? Which would take basically no effort, since it’s just a line.

“Toe the line.”

“I think I got a bad one. It tastes like dog food.” NO SIR YOU ARE EATING THE RIND SIR IT’S NOT MEANT TO BE EATEN SIR

Thank goodness someone decided to write travel tips for the privileged white beezies who’d rather not be inconvenienced by the laws of the dirty brown countries they use to aspirationally populate their Instagram feeds.

Just because Paul Pierce plays for the Wizards doesn’t mean you have to describe their season as “herky-jerky!”

Please let him move to the Atlantic. If he and Jeff Goldberg ever met it would be like a parrot encountering its own reflection.

If any blood thing could have healing powers, shed uterine lining would.

Don’t feel sorry for her. She knows exactly where her bread is buttered. One doesn’t end up as an ESPN TV host without being psychotically careerist.

Still confused as to why the basketblogging world fell in love with Kyle Lowry. He’s a solid young PG in a league loaded with solid young PGs, which is to say he a’ight.

Every big man in the NBA who actually cares about rebounding grabs other guys’ arms. Throw in the sheer size of these dudes along with the speed/intensity of a playoff game, and freak injuries can happen. The amount of force it takes to dislocate a shoulder or break a collarbone is actually pretty small if the angle’s

How lucky are the Warriors so far? Not just their health in general, but also the fact that ALL the other Western Conference contenders are beating the hell out of each other.

Paul Pierce is Sir Barristan Selmy. Old as hell, still cannot be fucked with, spends much of his time managing a beautiful and gifted yet clueless heir to the throne.

This is, like, 80% of the way to a real life Marine Todd story.

Terror metamorphosing into arousal.

Yeah, the presumptive league MVP leading a 67-win team in the playoffs. Who gives a shit?

Lowry’s playing badly because the refs are uniquely mean to him? Really? Is this how far the “Kyle Lowry’s really good!” club has retreated?

Hating Colin Cowherd is something one can always do on the internet to get +1s without ever risking disapproval or having to formulate a coherent thought. Don’t listen to his stupid radio show. There, solved all your problems.