
"Back in college yes, but I'm over those days."


You can use your upgrade to pre-order. As for the time, not sure I'd say hop on there at midnight and check. If I remember correctly, the last time the site went live around 3:30-4:30am (could be wrong but it was late night/early morning).

Exactly! Best time I see using this is on the road.

Fun, quirky, but totally unreliable?

I agree on the Kindle Fire, sounds like a much better option hardware-wise.

Just like their TV's - close but no cigar.

Well, at least your kids can warn you that you're about to be rear-ended by a texting driver...

1,000 songs = entire library. Oh I remember those days...right before Napster hit as I started my freshmen semester in college :-)

LogMeIn + DropBox is all I've ever needed. Couple that with the iOS apps and you're good to go! Have the parents set up with a shared Dropbox folder for any files that need transferring, and it doubles as a good backup plan when they might have a hard drive issue.

Psh, Excalibur can suck it. Reforged Narsil FTW!

Ugh double-post sorry

+1. That's become the bottleneck now, the hard drives.

I've been using Calvetica and it has multiple reminders, runs in the background, etc. Try it out!

As long as it has a sexy female voice and I can rename it Moneypenny, I'm sold.

Eh, I wouldn't buy one even if I did have the money. I'd sure as hell want to drive one, but not own it.

Not at all. I think most of us deep down feel the exact same way, some are just willing to admit it :-)

This was my biggest gripe with Demon's Souls. Glad to see someone else hated having to look at a wiki when deciding how to choose & level different characters.

Oh there's no question it's in only has to check for leakage when you pull it back out.

True, very true