
Meh, I liked the last version better. Those E-class tail lights just do not belong! Makes it look like it's squinting at the traffic behind. I'll take an X5M any day (just saw one earlier, what a beast!)

My exact thoughts! His elbows look like they are unnaturally flexible.

Not necessarily. Definitely possible, but not guaranteed. I remember when Charley hit SW FL, and they were swearing up and down storm surge would be 14-16ft. I was living on the water at the time, the house was about 7 miles from the eye when it passed by. Storm surge came up about 4-6 feet. They always throw out

People are scared of anything hurricane-related

Hmm, you're probably right. Spray paint him from head to toe then!

Anyone close enough to this doucher to kick him in the nads so that he can't breed?

"So that's where Apple sits now, cratered between two mountainous achievements. If they'd waited any longer, the iPhone 5 announcement would've been fully shrouded in memories of Jobs; with a month's distance, new CEO Tim Cook has a chance to stand on his own. He can bask in the reflected glory of the iPhone instead

I would have given that dag to the Pikey's after pulling a stunt like that.

+1, just watched that the other night. One of my favorite movies!

Hey did someone say my name?

I've been using Calvetica since their 4.0 update, and love it. Check it out - []

Love this pic, #COTD!

Beat me to it. The 120 Minute will make you feel a whole lot better after just 2!

"What it lacks in speed it makes up for in rarity, and of all the vehicles I saw this weekend, this was the one that made me question whether the kids can't just pay for college themselves."

Agree. Go with an aftermarket unit. Also, don't expect BT music to sound great. If you go into this knowing you'll be hearing compressed music compressed again, you'll be ok lol. I was disappointed when I first heard both MP3's and streaming radio from my iPhone through BT. However, for a quick 5 minute drive to

Both of 'em

I can see why they want to bail out of the PC business - it's become a commodity. I'm referring to PC's here, as Apple is still riding a wave of growth that is bolstering their Mac sales on the back of their iOS devices. Let's face it, people don't get excited about PC's other than gamers and power users. However,

Nah, don't waste taxpayers' money on this one. She'll just keep failing and be held back repeatedly.

I was referring to their actual cost, not cost charged to a regular customer. I agree that if they have a PR firm doing this and not themselves then yes the cost is more than a couple hundred. Point was, this was a relatively cheap form of advertising compared to TV/ads.

Smart business on Morton's end. Tons of publicity and at the very least a few new customers for $100-200 worth of time & money. This is how companies should be using Twitter for advertising.