
Log into dropbox first. Then go here - & it should give you a box to enter your .edu email address. They'll send you a verification email to that address, you click & you're done!

Cut it down to action sequences only & about 43 minutes? Sign me up! While we're at it, remake Pearl Harbor & War of the Worlds in this format so my subwoofer can get a good workout.

You can just connect it, I did it and I didn't have to add it or make a new account.

Or if you are eligible for an upgrade at the $200 price point and sell your iPhone 4 ;-)

I thought this was cleared up that they're tracking the location of cell towers & WiFi hotspots, not you. On top of that, it's not pinpoint accurate, and the timing (polling) used creates an irregular pattern.

Definitely, I put on the DI Radio app on the elliptical and hop between Vocal Trance, Electro House & Club Sounds. 45-60 minute workouts go down easy with some musical assistance :-)

I was about to post the exact same thing. I'm getting tired of seeing all these social connections/linking to apps that have no business doing so.

I'd be proud to drive that :-) I really want to try one out!

Any minivan. God I hate them!

Good idea! Unfortunately like you & Almightywhacko said, our solutions won't make it into the next iteration. Shame on them :-)

I used to use Tweetdeck all the time, but when the official Twitter client came out I began using that. I do like this update though, however I'm not seeing any kind of ReadItLater integration. Am I missing something or does this not have that? It would be a shame, I love that feature in the Twitter app.

What would be awesome is if they made the whole face of the phone the screen, with pushing the top button to activate and then use a slide gesture to open like the current iOS. However, utilize a sensor where when you put your fingers near the bottom (or a slide up gesture), a dock would appear as in OSX. That would

Good point. Many people tend to forget these are PHONES first, and video devices second. The extent of my video watching is the occasional YouTube video, so i could care less if it's true 16:9 or not. I'd rather be able to utilize the home screen, apps like DropBox, Evernote, mail, etc with a decent width to them

WOW, talk about flashback! Ahh college...

So true! Out of personal experience, it was my old Z3 3.0 (stick of course). Hell of a fun car to drive, and most of the time I didn't give a rats ass who saw me driving it, but still more of chick's car than a guy's.

Just one more reason to start using those temporary card numbers that banks & credit cards offer!

Yeah seriously. Honda Insight, Fiesta, CUBE? Better get your shit checked out if that reminds you of a downpiece...

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It all sounds great on paper, but WTF is up with that front bumper?! I'm sick of everyone putting those stupid LED strips on as many vehicles as possible. Too busy for my taste, I'd prefer to have those chrome things painted the body color as well. It's OK to be understated, the badge says it all.

My thoughts exactly. Way to copy Chrysler...