
I think a big factor here will be pricing. The current Z4 lineup is expensive, and putting it closer to $40k might bring in some more buyers. I like the look, and the hp/torque is plenty for most people that will be seriously considering a Z4 while returning decent gas mileage. We are not the target market on this

My answer as well! Simply amazing commercial!!

Thank you for providing me with a new work wallpaper. My all-time favorite American car!

BMW's R32

LOL great find

I want one so bad! I love the new 5ers compared to the e60's, and this M should look beast in person.

"Did you know that you can damage your hearing with this ridiculousness?

You know, if I had quite a bit of throw-away money laying around, I'd start buying up ridiculous cars like this to go to Halloween parties in. Why not go all out and having a matching car & costume? Only then would I go as Starsky & Hutch with a buddy of mine...or the Bandit

I too find the mid-size segment to be littered with beige mobiles, although I have to admit that the new Regal turbo looks pretty nice! I was behind one this morning, and really liked the tail end of it, especially the lights. That car aside, I can't stand the Camry, the Sonata I find to be the next Camry & quite

No video yet, that seems to be one of the biggest complaints. I like the app, although I don't find it really that much better than ProCamera, which has video. I'm giving it some more time though, as I've only used it sparingly in the past 2 weeks that I've had it. Speed & clean pics are the keys for me on the

Many college-educated people should never have been admitted to college in the first place lol. That aside, 100% predictable training + new work environment + pressure = failure

Nice way to justify the mods, as others have stated, but in the end it was pure LUCK that saved this guy. I too thought he had installed a roll cage glancing at the pic.

"Q, I'm going to need one of these. I AM trying to fit in you know..."

Perhaps he couldn't find his shortcut home?

Oh you tease!

Those rest stops sound incredible. Reminds me of the autogrills in Italy, oh the food...

Just don't leave your keys inside and you'll be ok lol

Agreed. Why waste time, money & effort doing this? Save it for your TV if you MUST have 3D. Seriously, who really spends THAT much time watching video on a smartphone? Do you not have a good TV at home?

I hear ya, and I really don't know if they were either. It was just a scenario to think about (damn finance classes, can't shake it!). But yes, I agree - it's a shame to see a company with a different, and in many ways better, approach to customer service than the big guns go down. Let's hope that AT&T adopts some

Agreed, I'd say Rodgers too.